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“Who did you invite, Jefa?” I guess I can’t really say anything, it’s her dad’s birthday after all but I won’t stay long if she invited Twitch. I’ll show face and then bounce.


Damn it all to hell. This bitch.

“Why the hell did you invite him, huh? He’s an asshole. Gorgeous and sexy, but still a fucking asshole.”

“Yes, you say this to everyone, including him butwhyis he an asshole? I happen to like the guy and so does pop which is why I invited him. He didn’t want to go at first, he even tried to hang up on me until I told him you’d be there.”

I pick up the wine glass and gulp down the rest and signal the waiter for more. “So he’s going because I’m going? That doesn’t mean anything. He’s probably just going to go so he can fuck with me or ruin my night by being a jerk off.”

“Silver. Tell me what happened. Why do you hate him? If he did something disrespectful, tell me and I’ll have him gone.” I believe her. Jefa is my ride or die.

“I know you talked to Johnny and probably heard enough to know that Twitch and I had a moment but it's nothing worth talking about, but he saw something in me that scared him off.” I don't elaborate because I know for a fact that I sound like a crazy fool rushing into feelings. I just hope my expression keeps Jefa from asking anything more on the subject.

My hopes are dashed though.

“What did he see?”

I stare at Jefa for a moment, weighing my words. I don't lie unless it's to protect my business interests but I especially don't lie to my best girl. I watch as Jefa comes to the conclusion that I'll be pleading the fifth on this subject.

Hypocrite much?

Yeah, I guess I am. I'm over here pissed with Twitch for blocking off his feelings but yet here I am afraid to talk to my own bestie about mine.

“Okay, fuck! You know that I've never cared much for anything serious when it comes to relationships. I used to find love an empty word or something that could be used against you. Like my mom and father. She loved the bastard and he used it against her. Kept her tamed and meek then they had me and he used her love for me as a way to bring her to heel when she stepped out of line.” I grip the wine glass tightly as I think about the pain of my childhood.

“Si, pero no es tu papa.”Yes, but he is not your father. “So what happened that made you angry? Did he have a smallpipí?”Dick. Jefa's expression is so serious that I burst out laughing and continue laughing when she looks confused. My crazy white haired girlfriendwouldbe pissed off if a guy she's interested in has a small dick.

Finally, my laughter calms down as the waiter comes over to refill our wine glasses and take our food orders but before he can leave with the bottle, Jefa snatches it from his hand and gives him a wink making the kid blush.

“This is serious business, Silver,” she continues badgering me once we're alone again. “What's up with you and Twitch lately?”

“Well, first off he most definitely does not have a small dick.” She opens her mouth but I hold up a hand stopping whatever craziness she's about to say. “I caught feelings and it scared him off. He acted like a total dick afterward, saying I was the only pussy close enough to fulfill his needs but I know it's bullshit because he didn't even get off,” I say with a shrug.

Jefa's inner psychologist comes out. “I get it. He saw you wanted more than what he was ready to give but at the same time, he caught feelings too and they're as unfamiliar to him as yours are to you.”

“Exactly! I've known him for three fucking years and I still don't know his real name or his last name. I don't know anything about him other than the fact that he has the attitude of a caveman and he kisses me like a man eating his last meal and he makes me feel things that I never thought I would or even care to. How can he drive me to the brink of insanity and irritation but make me want him all the same? It's confusing and frustrating that's why I've been avoiding him. You and Johnny did me no favor by ditching me at the gym that one time.”

Jefa has the decency to look ashamed but then she shrugs. “Maybe if you had opened your mouth and told me what happened, I never would have come up with the idea!”

I laugh because I know she's right. If I hadn't been busy being a hypocrite and opened up to her I wouldn't have been suffering alone.

“Anyway, I think you need to do one of two things. One, you corner the asshole and make him understand that you won't be waiting around for him like some princess in her tower.” The devious glint in her eye has butterflies swarming in my stomach. I can only imagine what plan she's got going inside her wicked mind. “Or you can get dressed sexy as fuck tonight and make the guy jealous by showing up with thatputoyou dated for a few months.” Yeah, Michael Calabrese was a real piece of shit. Not at first, though. He started out as a sweet guy who opened doors like a gentleman and flowers on random occasions but it just wasn't doing it for me. When I tried breaking things off he began stalking me like a crazy ass until Johnny had a few words with him.

“Jefa, why in the hell would I even consider calling that bastard? You know how he got when I broke his psychotic heart? I don't feel like getting pervy death notes slipped under my door again.”

Jefa laughs and says, “So Michael can get his ass kicked a second time but by Twitch. I love seeing him fight. He's so sexy with all those tattoos and muscles.Ay, papi.” She sighs like Twitch is her dream man. I toss a cherry tomato at her head and laugh when she catches it with her mouth.

“Listen,” she says around the tomato. “Twitch seems like a complicated guy who needs someone on his side for once. Pop told me that Twitch had a childhood he won't speak of and gets closed off when Pop tries to get more info out of him. Maybe Twitch lived a life similar to yours and he's never allowed anyone close. If this is the case, it really is the cliche; it's not you, it’s me. If you want him, Silver, go get him because he won't take what he thinks he doesn't deserve to have.”

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