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I'm sitting in my office at Barbarity staring at my security footage watching four people tear up my domain. I’ve watched this more times than I can count but I still can't see their faces due to the ski masks they're wearing but mark my words, I will find out who did this. They broke all the windows in the front of the building and trashed my halls and VIP section. I have the Tanner cleaning crew here cleaning the place up but no matter how spotless they get it, I'll always see the violation that's been done.

The culprits weren't able to get into the arena nor my office but everywhere else is completely destroyed. The framed photos of legendary fighters, some signed and some dating as far back as the 1920's, are all broken and thrown everywhere. The plants and other decor have been broken as well. Dirt and trash litter the floors and walls, hell even the damn restrooms. With this mess, I don't even know if anything has been stolen. This is one of the most degrading things ever done to me. It’s right up there with the fuckboy I lost my virginity to and my ex boyfriend who thought it was okay to put his hands on me.

“I want night guards from now on. Gino, you'll be in charge of them so I want you to personally vet each guard and set everything up. I want a list of names when you're done.”

“Yeah, boss,” Gino says before opening the door and jumping to the side when Jefa comes barreling through with Johnny and Twitch on her heels.

My lady bits sing at the sight of Twitch who is on high alert and only relaxing when his burning eyes land on me, checking me over.

“What the hell happened here?” Jefa asks looking around at the guards who all visibly shrink under her pissed off gaze. They may not be cartel guards but they know the Blanca reputation well and they're not looking to be on the wrong side of that anytime soon.

I stand from my seat and point to the footage still playing on my computer screen before making my way out of the office to give Jefa a moment to watch the shitshow replay. I step into the hall with Twitch who lifts my chin up to look in my eyes.

My stomach fills with a barrage of butterflies as my core tightens at the softness of his gaze. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I'm alright. I think I should have been more prepared but how could I prepare for something I didn't see coming?”

“Trust me, life has its way of sucker punching us. You live and learn though, break the cycle so to speak, by learning from the last blow.” His eyes darken and his jaw tightens like he's thinking of the sucker punches he's received.

“You're right, there's nothing I can do about it now. Wanna go spar?” I gesture for the arena and pull on his arm toward the doors.

There's still a lot we need to learn about each other and though I have a feeling that getting him to open up will be like asking him to pull his own teeth out, I see that he's willing to try. This morning I woke up in his arms still and I would have taken full advantage of his very obvious arousal but I got the call from Gino about the vandalism and immediately had my driver pick me up, leaving Twitch sleeping. One of the hardest things I’ve had to do so far today.

I hop up the steps and into the cage knowing full well that Twitch will join me. I can tell that with any other girl, he wouldn’t have but with me he’s different. It seems that no matter what's going on around us, there's a connection that is undeniable. Even in the beginning when he was a total ass and I was a royal bitch, there was an invisible string between us tying our stubborn asses together.

Am I complaining? Nope.

I pull off my t-shirt and revel in Twitch’s heated gaze. I have my fighting shorts on and a sports bra but he makes me feel like I’m strutting around in sexy lingerie. I bite my lip to hide my smirk. Damn these butterflies. As I pull on my gloves, Twitch removes his shirt and I scan his glorious body. The tattoos on his chest and stomach are so intricate that I could spend all day tracing them and still discover new details. My favorite would probably be the Live or Die above his eyebrow. The only one on his face. He has another on his neck that says Sia. Not sure what or who that is but I plan on learning more. For now, I want to show him why I’m the queen around here.

We go into our stances and circle one another. We don’t bother wearing head gear because we won’t be doing headshots but guarding my head is a hard habit to break.

“I didn’t think you could floor grapple. You made me lose money on Barbaric night.” I back up to dodge his kick to my leg. I didn’t actually bet against him, I just like giving him a hard time.

“There’s a lot about me you don’t know, doll.”

Isn’t that the truth. But what I do know is that he fucks like a mad man and he kisses like it’s his job to make me melt. I want more of him, I crave more of him. Just thinking about how his hands touched every inch of me and how his pelvis slammed perfectly between my thighs get's me hot and wanting.

I block the barrage of combinations Twitch gives me and it's obvious I wasn't paying attention by how unprepared I was for that. Damn him and his talent between the sheets.

With my back against the fence, I try to shake those bedroom thoughts off and focus on sparring but it's a little too late. Twitch hooks his ankle around mine and grabs my opposite thigh, effectively taking me down. I quickly wrap my whole arm around his neck as I fall and we begin to grapple. I can tell he's going easy on me but that's because he doesn't know I can take a lot. I've been taking hits since I could walk, thanks to my piece of shit father. With my right arm I bring my elbow down onto his back and hear his grunt. I don't get a chance to do anything else because he grabs my thighs despite me tightening and twisting on his neck, and slams my whole body down on the mat. All the air whooshes from my lungs and he slips free of my reverse headlock. He stands, leaving me on the floor, and rubs his neck.

“Damn, Silver. You have some fucking power. A minute longer and I think I would have passed out.” He leans down and offers me his hand but when he pulls me up I use the momentum to knee him in the ribs. He dips sideways a little then hooks his arm under my armpit and jabs me twice in my ribs. It stings but again, he's holding back. He's taller than me so getting out of his hold won’t be so easy. I'll have to be creative.

We're close to the fence so I do the only thing my five foot seven inches can do, I use his hold to swing my legs and kick off the fence so that I gain height, weight and position on his back. I wrap my legs around his waist and slip my arm from his hold only to once again wrap them in around his neck in a rear naked hold.

I throw his words back at him, “There's a lot about me you don't know,ragazzo.”Boy.

Suddenly he's not holding back. He drops down onto the mat with me underneath him. We're in the same position he used to submit the Irishman in Barbaric Night. Hold on tight and take his elbows to my ribs, the adrenaline keeps the blows from hurting too badly but I'm losing strength. This man can take a lot. Anyone weaker would have tapped out.

My arm starts to shake so I let go and try to scramble out from under him before he can return the punishment. Once I’m on my feet, I smile knowing he’s no longer using kid gloves on me.

I catch him off guard with a powerful spinning back kick to his stomach. It’s time to show this beautiful man why worrying about my safety is unnecessary.

By the time we finished our round of sparring, Alessandro DeLucci arrived to check things out and report everything to Andino Renzetti. Since Barbaric Night and the ass kicking I gave to Mila Popov, things have escalated between the Russians and the Italians. Since trashing and destroying my belongings seem to be Popov's MO lately, we believe they're the culprits behind the vandalism.

Stepping out of the locker room after a quick shower,alonebecause Jefa is a cock blocker and didn't want to wait for her turn to shower, I spot Twitch shaking hands with DeLucci before walking over to me.

“Want to go get something to eat? I got a mean craving for some pasta.” I pat my stomach and bounce on the balls of my feet.
