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I have Gino take us to the Renzetti restaurant because hell yeah, their food is spectacular and it's perfect timing too. After lunch and before dinner, no one is here. Usually there's a packed house at La Cucina but the odd hour has given us a more private setting.

“You coming in, Gino?”

“No thank you, boss. The wife is making some food tonight.” Gino pats his stomach as if that proves something vital. “Got to have room for her food.”

I laugh as Twitch opens the door for us to enter. The scent of spices hits us immediately, making my mouth water. “You're going to love it here, Twitch. They have the best Tortellini in New York.”

“If you love it, I know I will.”

Why did that make me blush?

We reach the table and he pulls out my chair for me like a gentleman which makes me smile because I damn well know Twitch is anything but a gentleman. Nonetheless, his sweet gestures make my heart skip a beat.

If anyone told me a year ago that I'd fall for a guy with an attitude as bad as mine and an ego to match I'd have laughed in their faces. Not that I was ever into weak willed men before but I never would have thought I'd be falling for someone I butt heads with as badly as I do Twitch. Sitting here with this man who has a twisted taste for blood and pain... well, I can't say I'm complaining one bit.

I introduce Twitch to Pauly boy and my heart swells to see the genuine kindness Twitch shows to the old timer. It makes me appreciate him even more, though I don't understand how that's possible. I watch Twitch scan the menu and I can't help but to admire how handsome he is. I wonder how the hell he hasn't been snatched up but maybe I'm the only one who'd be able to handle him.

Honestly, did God say‘I'm going to give this guy muscles and tattoos, expressive hazel eyes and inky black hair with a body to lust over just for Neviah Mazzi.’?

It certainly seems that way.

“Like what you see, doll?”

I blush hard. He saw my ogling without looking up. Damn, I wonder if I was panting loudly too. Shoot me now.

“Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Don't let it go to your head. For all you know, I was staring at the sexy guy behind you.” I make a show of looking over his shoulder while biting my lip.

Twitch turns quickly and I let out a booming laugh.

“So easy,” I say once my laughter dies down.

Once we've eaten our meals and sip from our wine glasses, I mindlessly hum along with Billie Eilish's ‘Ocean Eyes’ as it plays quietly through the speakers but I can't hold back my curiosity anymore. I lean forward and ask him what's been nagging me since we left Barbarity, “What were you and DeLucci talking about earlier?”

He looks at me for a moment, weighing his words carefully. What must his secrets be? Looking at him closely I can almost see the weight on his shoulders. He looks like a man who has traveled through years with pain, rage and heartbreak sitting on his back, making each step more difficult. I suck in a breath at the image of his pain.

“What's happened to you, Twitch?”

“My name is Luca Romano.”

Why does that name sound vaguely familiar? New York has plenty of Romano's walking around so I'm sure that's the reason.

“Luca...” I softly say his name to test it out. He must hear me because his eyes flare with so many emotions.

“It sounds like a prayer on your beautiful lips, Neviah.”

What do I say to that? I mean I can think of a lot of things to say but none of them are appropriate for a public restaurant.

“It fits you perfectly.”

His eyes harden as he motions to our server for more wine. When he looks back at me I see memories are playing their painful melody in his mind. His jaw tics and his Tourette's starts to twitch his eyes. I'm about to change the subject to a lighter one but I don't. I think this is something he needs. He's been walking alone but I'm here now.

“You'll never walk alone, Luca.” Again, my voice is but a promised whisper but he hears me. He takes a deep breath and lets it out as the server refills our glasses and leaves the bottle.

“Did you know that Luca is Latin for light? It's a cruel joke the universe put on me because I lost my light when I was a boy, Silver. I don't think it fits perfectly.”

“Cosa ti è successo?” What happened? I can't help the crack in my voice... it's a reflection of my heart. There's burning pain in my eyes and throat but I push it down because his pain must be in need of my strength. Strength is what I have in plenty and if my man needs to break, I'll be there to gather his pieces. Why? Because that's what a stand up woman does. Without hesitation.

“When I was seven years old my mother and father were brutally murdered in our home. I remember hearing my father's voice howl in rage and pain after my mother was killed in front of him. I didn't see thebastardothat killed them but through the flames, I saw my mother's broken body in my father's lap when my aunt escaped with us.”
