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“Fanculo!”Fuck! “Stop dripping your blood on my equipment, Twitch.”

I sit back and carefully push the towel to my head. The pain is slowly making itself known now that the numbing agent is wearing off but the tumble of thoughts running through my mind hasn't really let me focus on the pain.

Silver shouldn't be recounting the loss of Gino without me by her side. I don't know exactly how close they were but she stayed by his side while he breathed his last so they must've been close enough that the pain is enormous.

“How long is she going to be back there?” I know I sound like a fiend who needs his next fix asap but let's be fucking real, Silver is my bump. She's that fix you can't get anywhere else. She's the flame to my spoon. That may sound fucked up but until you know what it's like to fight your demons with drugs then you'll never understand the truth of my thoughts.

Johnny smirks like an asshole but when I give him a glare he tries his best to smother it with his hand.

“She should be out soon. Don't worry, she'll be fine, Twitch. My pop sees her as the daughter he never had.”

“How long have you known her?” I'm not worried at all about Johnny. Sure he and Silver have a history, but to be honest, I'm glad she has him on her side. Facing the world alone, as I have since my parents died, is an unfair fate. One I would never want for Silver.

“Since we were kids. In middle school she saved me from getting a nasty sucker punch from some kid with brass knuckles. I began teaching her to fight after that and how to defend herself against her abusive dad.” Johnny's eyes widen at that slip of information but he can't take it back.

Though my heart has sped up and my vision is turning red, I stay seated and demand more. “Abusive father?” My voice is low and even to my own ears it sounds like cracking glass. Splintering with each pound on my heart.I will kill this bastard.

“Fuck, Twitch. Thatpezzo di merda,”Piece of shit.“has been dead for years but I can't say any more, this isn't my story to tell and I shouldn't have let that slip but it feels like you've been a part of the group for years now.”

I drop my head and try to breathe through the haze of murderous rage. A father should never raise a hand to their child but especially a daughter. Not because girls are weaker than boys but simply because a daughter should be the apple of a father's eye.

If I ever have children, my daughter will be taught to fight back. She'll know everything there is to know about bringing a man down. She'll walk this earth knowing that her papa taught her how to survive with her crown sitting straight on her head.

“Listen, Twitch. Silver is like my kid sister. I've been looking out for her since she was a ball of tangled silver hair and scraped knees. I can see you mean something to her that she's never felt for anyone else and it makes me happy.” Johnny looks me straight in the eyes, no hesitation or fear as he warns me, “So if you break her heart, I'll make sure to break every bone in your chest before killing you, got me?” My respect for the guy has just been topped. Blood or not, this is Silver's brother and I can get behind the unhindered protectiveness he has for her.

“I'd expect nothing less. Let that be the last threat you ever give me because I will cut your tongue out and feed it to you.” I continue staring at him waiting for him to say something but then we hear the office door creak open. We're on our feet immediately waiting for Silver to emerge. The first man out is DeLucci who is practically a copy of Johnny only older and dressed in a three piece suit with a smile scar across his face. Literally one of the most wicked scars I've ever seen on a person. It looks like someone tried slitting his throat but cut him across the face instead.

The next person out is the Don. This man looks oddly familiar but I can't say why. I want to confront the man and ask him personally if he can help me find Sia but DeLucci said no one speaks to him without his invitation and I don't want to fuck up my chances to actually have that opportunity so I'll bide my time. He's a tall man with broad shoulders like he works out as well. He's dressed in a suit with a long leather blazer that shows his wealth and status but it's his black-as-night eyes... They're calculating and they're staring straight at me, making me extremely uncomfortable.

I've never in my life been nervous of anyone but this Boss of Bosses is fucking intimidating especially with his steps leading towards me. Just when I think he's going to address Johnny, he stops in front of me and looks between my eyes.

Fucking hell. Here's my chance but my aunt's words repeat in my head.

Don't tell anyone your real name.

“What's your name, figlio?”Son.

I bristle a little at the word. I've always hated a man calling me what only my parents had rights to.

“Lucian ‘Twitch’ DeLuca, Boss.”

His brow quirks and he tilts his head a little, studying me. “DeLuca? Who is your father?”

I'm faced with a dilemma. Do I tell him and risk everything my aunt did or do I trust him and find Sia? I feel so fucking close to answers looking at this man but if I'm wrong and this is the man, a mafia boss no less, who killed my family then I could put Silver at risk along with myself. I can't do that.

“I was an orphan, Don. I do not know my parents and I'm an only child.” I lie and hope to God that Silver keeps that smart mouth closed. I see her shift beside me but I don't look at her. The boss stares at me a moment like he can see the lie in my eyes but I keep my face impassive. I won’t give anyone leverage over me. He nods his head before turning to the exit, tossing one more glance at me before passing through the threshold.

I let my breath go and turn to see the questions in Silver’s eyes.

Time to tell her everything.
