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The sting of the needle sliding through my scalp doesn't bother me one bit but seeing Silver cry earlier practically killed me. Each tear has a motherfucker's name tied to it. Whoever did this will suffer for her pain.

“Bag up the body and have it delivered to the Renzetti morgue,” Silver's demand to the CSI brings my attention back to the present. Looks like the city morgue is in the famous family's pockets as well. Silver looks ready to kill—and believe me when I say, I know exactly what she's feeling.

Telling her a bit of my story has helped me more than sheknows. I never realized how hard it was to never share my story. Even Lopez doesn't know it. She knows I have a sister I want to find but that's all.

I've lived these years alone in my memories, but today, Silver reached over and picked up some of the weight and threw it onto her back. Yeah, this girl is mine.

I never thought I'd say this but I'll never let her go. This girl has a power over me that should have my spine straight and my agitation high, but it doesn't. Ties to someone can be your downfall, yes, but they can also be what pushes you to stand taller and broader daring the world,fucking try it!Silver makes me the latter. She makes me better than yesterday and stronger tomorrow.

She's rare and she's mine.

When Gino came running in, I didn't hesitate to take her down and shield her. I can't begin to express how devastated I would have been had that bullet hit it's mark, her face. I'd take a thousand bullets for this woman.

No question.

A lot of people throw those words around but I don't. There's only three people I'd die for, Sia, Lopez and Silver. Now, I'll help her carry her load. She hides it well but there's no hiding the darkness of one's past from another who has suffered a similar fate. The tune of pain chimes loudly to me when I look into her eyes and as long as I have breath in my lungs, Silver will never have to bear it's dreadful melody alone.

When the EMT is done stitching me up, I hop off the ambulance and walk over to my girl.

“Sil, call Bones and get that fucking meeting going. I want to know who was behind this.” For all I know, this could be the same bastards that killed my family. Despite the years, I won't overlook anyone. Everyone is guilty until proven innocent, just like the system.

“I will but I know it was the Russians. Whether they were gunning for me or just looking to destroy the Renzetti owned restaurant, I don't know, but I do know it was them.”

“How do you know?”

Instead of answering she walks over to the black body bag and crouches down to unzip it, revealing the piece of shit that killed Gino. Once the zipper is down she pulls the guy's right hand out and shows me the tattoos on his hand. A set of eight point stars in an arch over some Russian words.

“This is a Mafiya member's tattoos. They have them on their necks and hands.”

“How do you know all this?”

“I make it my business to know anything and everything I can about enemies. If someone goes against La Famiglia, I make sure to know everything about them and the Russians have been the enemy for years despite the Don's attempts at a truce. That's the difference between mobsters and bosses. You make choice with patience for the sake of your people.”

The fucking wisdom is unreal, no wonder Silver is a boss in her own right. I watch as she pulls open the guy's shirt, exposing his hairy ass chest and a set of eyes tattooed looking back at us. That's creepy as fuck but Silver's gasp has my attention shooting back on the guy's face like the motherfucker came back to life or something. Fuck that, I may be a fighter and killer but I don't fuck with dead bodies. Curses and shit are real, I don't give a fuck what anyone says.

Silver closes up the body bag and pulls out her phone, making me wonder why that tattoo has her ready to run. I mean, I know it was weird but to each their own right?

“Fuck!” she shouts while trying to get her shaking fingers to dial a number.

“Calmati.”Calm down. I take the phone from her and see she's pulled up Johnny so I click his name and put him on speaker.

“Che cos'è?”What is it?

“Bones. Silver is freaking out.” I tell him at the same time Silver says, “He was high ranking.”


“Merda.”Shit. “Twitch, get her the fuck out of there and bring her to the gym. Take Gino's guns with you and don't stop anywhere.”

I hang up and grab Silver's hand. I already have Gino's gun, a badass Desert Eagle, tucked into the waist of my jeans and his keys in my hand.

It's time to get Silver out of here.

I feel a quaking under my skin, like anxiety and adrenaline have come together for some serious fucking. Silver has been in Johnny's office with the Mafia Don and DeLucci telling them everything that happened. I know that she'll be fine but I don't know the Don therefore I don't like her being in the office with him. Call it jealousy or protectiveness, it doesn't matter. I don't like it.

To keep myself from kicking the door in and dragging her out like a fucking caveman I practice my ground and pound techniques on the human shaped dummy. I probably shouldn't be doing this considering I have about thirty stitches along the side of my head, but I can't seem to find a fuck to give.

As if reading my thoughts, Johnny drops his ass on the mat next to me and hands me a towel.
