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Silver has been acting sketchy as hell all day today but I just don't have the energy to decipher her sneakiness. I trust the woman so I'm not worried she's two timing me. Silver doesn't have a disloyal bone in her body but I know she's up to something. Today is my mom's birthday and though I wanted it to be a special day by proposing to Silver, it just didn't happen that way. Still though, she's up to something.

“Nick! Quit scratching your ass. Let’s train!” I'm strapped from head to toe in protective gear ready to get Nicky ready for his fight tomorrow but if he keeps fucking offon his important phone call I'm going to pull his ass out. I no longer fight for Diego but I am Nick's trainer and I get ten percent of his winnings. Mostly, I've been working for Alessandro DeLucci. Johnny got his button, said his Omerta and spilled blood. He'sa made man now but, until his father retires, he's still working under his pops. I'm looking to get my own name thrown in the hat for my button so I've been a foot soldier for DeLucci until he feels I've proven myself.

Nick whispers something into the phone before hanging up and jogging over to me. If I roll my eyes any harder they'll stay stuck in the back of my head.

“Who the hell was so important that you needed twenty minutes to whisper on the phone like a middle schooler?”

He pulls on his gloves and wraps them before answering me.

“Myheyna.”Girlfriend. “Silver. She asked me to get you to Medusa's later.”

The fuck? I shake off the punching mitt and check my smart watch. Sure enough there's some missed calls from Silver and a text that says,I want to dance tonight at the place we had our first dance. You down?

Hell yeah, I'm down. I shoot off a text before leveling Nick with a glare.

“The fuck were you whispering with my woman for?”

“Nothing boss, shit. She has a fucking surprise for you, alright? I'm not saying shit though cause she'll kill me so fuck off.”

I lunged at him then. Element of surprise is something we need to work on anyway.

One hour later I'm dressed in an outfit similar to the one I wore to Diego's birthday party. White Converse shoes, black jeans, black button up shirt paired with my white suspenders and bowtie. A lot of people don't get the bowtie but it's just my style. Silver once called me a greaser but it works because she rocks the hell out of her rockabilly style. Combing my hair back and tucking the comb in my back pocket I head out, patting Pony Boy on the head before leaving the penthouse.

In the parking garage, I'm once again disappointed to see my Chevelle isn't parked in my spot. I won't be able to take my girl for a cruise tonight in the muscle car but my blacked out Mercedes G-wagon is fly as fuck. Climbing in and starting her up, the speakers send their chime that Jefa is calling.

“What's happening,sorella?”Sister. “You coming to Medusa's?”

“Hey,carnal!”Brother. “Yeah, I'm already here with your girl. Johnny said he can't make it tonight, though.”

I figured as much. Johnny's been in contact with an old friend of his, Ren Moretti. He's been tasked with finding the illegitimate son of Ruslan Popov. Word on the street is, Popov has something in the works. A retaliation against the Renzetti's for running him off. The rumor mill says he's been in hiding with this supposed son of his and Johnny has been on the hunt.

“Okay, tell Sil I'll be there in fifteen minutes and call me if anything seems off. It's been quiet lately and I don't like it.”

“Don't stress it, La Famiglia is here. I haven't spotted the brothers but their guards are outside on post.”

“Ahh, I see. You didn't come tonight to celebrate our engagement. You came for Nico Renzetti, huh?”

Jefa screams when she hears about our engagement. I guess Silver hadn't told her yet. I hang up before she can cuss me out or demand more information out of me. I'll let Silver deal with that hothead. I bought some flowers for Silver, white and red roses. To me, Silver will always be my rose.

It's said that a rose has it's thorns because it grows healthier when bled on. In the wild, the rose bushes grow large and have been known to tangle around animals, making them bleed on the stems. The roses soak up the blood and grow stronger. This is my Silver. She'll cut a man down and thrive on his blood.

Medusa's is packed by the time I pull into the parking lot. I don't bother with the valet anymore, not since someone blew up my car. I don't trust anyone. Silver thinks it was Popov who planted the bomb but I have my suspicions. I decided it was time to seek out the Don and not long after getting my message to the Underboss, my car blew into smithereens. I'm pretty sure that was his way of saying,fuck off.

Getting inside is much easier than it was years ago. No one bothers with a guest list but I don't think much of it. Last time I was here it was for the cartel boss' birthday so of course they'd check each person before admitting them.

The club looks the same but there's a young singer up on stage straight ahead. She's singing ‘Maria’ by Two Feet. Her voice is oddly familiar but I can't see her from here. I say hello to some people, they're all Silver's friends who have come out to congratulate us. Finally, I spot my woman. I wrap my arm around her waist and give her the bouquet. Her smile lights up the room before she jumps to her toes and throws her arms around my neck.

“Thank you, handsome. I love you. Let me see if they can put these behind the bar.” I try to stop her but Jefa intercepts me, looking like someone pissed in her drink.

“Why didn't you tell me you were going to purpose, Twitch? I would have gone with you to pick out the ring!”

I laugh and throw my arm around her shoulders. She's been a good friend to me for years now and for all intents and purposes, she's my sister. But let's be real, shopping with Jefa is most definitely not something I ever plan on doing.

“What, you didn't like the ring I had made for her? I think it's perfect.”

We get to the bar when she leans up on her toes and kisses my cheek, “Yes! I love the ring. It's beautiful like Silver. I just wish I could have been a part of the proposal somehow. You guys aremi familia.”My family.

“Well, we have a wedding to plan and I don't know shit so the reins are in your hands. And just so you know, Silver proposed to me.”
