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I smile in return and take his hand. We enter another nondescript room, only this one is the bathroom. There's a claw foot tub that's filled with steaming water and rose scented bubbles that reach the rim. I sit on the edge and let my fingers touch the heated water as Twitch pulls shampoo and conditioner out of the wall cabinet. He walks over to me and grabs the hem of my shirt but waits for my permission. I bite my lip and nod. I may be a queen but this queen is boney as hell. Oh well, I just fucking survived a brutal few months, I think I can feel how I want.

Once my shirt and panties are removed, Twitch takes off his clothes and helps me into the tub. God, he's exquisite. Every muscled inch of him is pure perfection. Even with his dick semi hard, it's gorgeous and pussy throbbing. Twitch settles in behind me and uses the wash cloth to rinse my hair.

I moan and groan like I'm having an orgasm but I can't help it. Twitch's fingers rubbing and scratching my scalp as he washes my hair feels like an orgasmic explosion. Just when I think I can't feel any more relaxed, he begins to rub my neck and shoulders, digging his fingers into all the knots in my muscles.

My moans and groans continue to permeate the walls until Twitch's chuckling cuts me off.

“What?” I ask on another moan when my back pops under his fingers.

“If you keep making those noises, I won't be able to hold back.”

I shrug nonchalantly but my clit throbs at his words. I look over my shoulder at him, giving him my best sultry look, I'm rusty though so I may look like a deer in the headlights.

“What makes you think I need you to hold back, huh? I may look the way I look but I'm not fragile and I'm not broken. My pussy throbs for you, my mouth still waters for a taste of you.” I lean back against him and bite the underside of his jaw before continuing. “My ass has missed your dick.”

Crass, I know but I really don’t give a shit. Self-pleasure was all I had and my imagination ran dry; I need a refill.

Twitch groans before bringing his lips to mine in a heated kiss. The cut on my bottom lip splits open and the blood causes us both to frenzy, like two sharks fighting for the last morsel of food.

Feeling Twitch slap my pussy, I think I'm that last morsel of food.
