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Getting back into town was surreal as hell. When I left, I was an angry motherfucker with the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I was thirsty for it and vengeful, like a wolf ready to snap the neck of any foe. But getting off that jet three weeks ago with my girl at my side, I felt like a new man. I still have an unquenchable thirst for vengeance but the taste in my mouth is no longer bitter with anger, but with the sweet rose of Silver’s mouth… and pussy. The smile on my face is permanent and my heart doesn’t feel like it’s been wrapped with barbed wire.

“Come on, Silver, you can do it. Thirty more seconds!” I yell at my woman who’s on the ladder machine inside 5th Round Gym. She’s climbing as fast as she can without missing a rung. She’s gained her weight back in the seven weeks that we’ve been home and her muscle tone is almost to her satisfaction. To me, I think she’s perfect but if my woman wants more, my woman gets more. So here I am, yelling encouraging obscenities to her.

“Fucking move it, Sil.” Her face is in a grimace and her body is shaking but still she pushes herself. “Ten seconds left. Don’t be a bitch, Silver. It’s not a good look on you.” I throw the words that she used on me years ago back at her and smirk when I hear her snarl.

The ladder stops its rotation, letting Silver flop off to the side and land on her back. She barely has any energy left but even so, she lifts both hands and flips me off with a breathy, “Fuck you.”

I toss her a towel and sit next to her, uncapping her bottle of water. Seeing her back in her zone with her hard as fuck attitude makes me feel like the torturous months didn’t happen. Ruslan Popov and his son are still in Renzetti holding cells and will be there until Silver decides when she would like to pay them a visit. I think getting her self esteem back was more important to her so that’s what we focused on. Until tonight.

Silver is ready. She wants to face her enemies and find the justice she deserves. No, she won’t be turning them over to the police and charging them with their crimes. She wants to be the judge, jury and executioner. I knew that would be her plan so I’ve paid the pieces of shit a visit beforehand and gave them a bit of my own punishment. I need my own vengeance after all. In fact, I’ve paid the assholes a visit once a week since we’ve been back. Only seems fair since they had my woman for months and laid heavy hands on her. Popov didn’t hit her personally but by extension, he hurt her just as badly. During the time that these pieces of shit were in holding cells, it became obvious that Mila had nothing to do with Silver’s abduction so she was released.

Silver told me how brutal Ivan was. Vas got off easy when I shot him in the neck but since he wasn’t as heavy handed as his brother, I guess that kill shot was enough. Ivan on the other hand… Yeah, I made sure to repay him in kind. And tonight, Silver will pull the trigger. Ending his life and restarting hers.

“You ready for tonight?” Silver asks after her breathing relaxes.

Did I mention how proud I am of her?

“Yeah, I’m ready but it's you who needs to be up for this,dea.”Goddess. “If you don’t want to be the one to end a life, I’ll gladly do it.”

She looks at me seriously for a moment before speaking.

“I know I’ve told you about my father and you’ve heard all the things I’ve done before I met you. Ivan is not the first person I’ve wanted to kill. I wanted to kill my own father, Twitch. He may have been a piece of shit in every way but he was still my own flesh and blood. Yet, when he would leave me or my mother broken and bleeding, it was his skull I imagined bashing. It was his eyes I envisioned losing light. It was his blood I wanted on my hands. Tonight, everybastardothat has ever laid a hand on a woman will be the image in my head when I put a bullet between his eyes.”

Well, that answers that.

I lean in and kiss her luscious lips before climbing between her legs on the mat. I move my lips against hers and slide my tongue in when she opens for me. Pushing further so that her back is on the floor, I grind myself against her.

“Twitch, move! I'm all sweaty, I need a shower.” She squirms under me but I hold her down.

“Make me or I’m going to fuck you right here and now. Don’t hold back,damsel.”

Silver’s eyes flare with lust and challenge before she quickly wraps her arm around my neck pulling my head to her chest. She uses her right forearm to push her body in the opposite direction. In this position, she’s able to bring her leg up from my waist to my neck, trapping my head and arm. I’m completely open to hits to the face but she doesn’t take them because she’s not wearing gloves. Instead, she uses her lower body strength to hold me while pulling my arm into a lock. Fortunately I’m wearing gloves, so I hammer fist on her thigh in mock fighting style but she’s doing as I asked and not holding back.

I really don’t want to dislocate my elbow like fucking Misha Tate so I quickly tap out and roll off of her when she lets go.

“You could have gotten out of that, Twitch. Why didn’t you?”

I scoff, “The same reason you didn’t take shots at my face. I didn’t want to actually hurt you.”

It’s her turn to scoff like I’m being ridiculous, “Don’t be a bitch, Twitch.”

She turns and saunters away like she just dropped the mic or some shit. I run forward to snatch her up and spank her for being a spoiled brat but she hears me advance and takes off running. I’ve always liked the chase and chasing after my boss ass woman is my favorite thing to do. Plus she ran to the damn showers so… It won’t be hard to catch her and my reward will be that sweet little pussy of hers.

Arriving at the Renzetti mansion, I can see Silver fidgeting next to me so I take her hand and rub circles over her smooth skin. I park my G-Wagon next to Gavriel’s black and white Bugatti and smile when Silver lets out an appreciative whistle.

“My sister got it for him on his birthday. Ostentatious if you ask me.”

“Pfft, that’s not showy, that’s just enjoying the rewards of your work.”

I smile with gratitude. She’ll need that mindset when she sees the surprise I have for her later.

She doesn’t know about the house or rather themansionI had built for us on my parent’s old property. When Silver was kidnapped I found the surprise she meant to give me. The documents Lopez had sent to us before she passed away, documents that gave me access to her bank accounts and the life insurance she put in my name. I used that money to build a small mansion on the property that was left for Sia and I but seeing as how we were thought to be dead, the property went to Andino. He happily signed it over to me and to keep myself motivated during Silver’s absence, I hired builders to create a home that matched the one my parents had. Using old photographs and memories, the home is exactly as I remember it.

I park and climb out before walking to Silver’s side and opening the door for her. She climbs out and fixes the dress she’s wearing, moving her hair around her shoulders.

I cup her face, stopping her nervous movements. “Sei bellissima, my love.”You look beautiful. “My sister is going to love you. In fact, I hear she had a little crush on you when she first met you at Medusa’s.”

Silver chuckles and blushes. “I just don’t want to mess anything up. You know my mouth runs ahead of me sometimes. What if I say something offensive or don’t say something I should?” She starts to panic and fill her head with needless worries.
