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“Then you’ll fit right in. Sia has a mouth from hell, honestly. She cusses like a sailor and my aunt pretends to be this innocent nun but she’s a foul mouth just like the rest of us. You’ll love them and they’ll love you. In fact, these people cried for you while you were missing. They love you already.” I kiss her and turn to lead her inside but before we can make it to the front steps, the door swings open and my wild eyed sister comes barreling out.

“Omigod! Neviah!” Sia throws her arms around Silver who catches her and laughs. They hug for a moment and I see Silver’s worries slip away. That’s the thing with my sister. She’ll make you feel like she’s known you and loved you all her life. I love her for it.

“Okay, okay, that’s enough feeling up my woman, Sia. Go rub all over Gavi.”

“Jesus, Twitch. Way to ruin the fucking moment.” Sia grumbles as she pulls back. “Don’t listen to him, I’m genuinely happy that you’re back and safe. The feel up was just a nice bonus.” Sia winks at Silver and they both bust up laughing.

I roll my eyes and pull Silver from her. My sister, the fucking flirt from hell. “Stop trying to steal my woman, Sia or I’ll steal your kids. They love me more anyway.”

Sia’s giggles meet my ears as she walks ahead of us and flips me off over her shoulder.

“I like her, a lot,” Silver says with a huge smile.

“Wait ‘til you meet my nephews. They’re going to be the craziest of the bunch when they’re older.”

As soon as we walk through the doors, we’re greeted by the whole Renzetti family.

“Benvenuto a casa!”Welcome home!They all shout in unison while popping confetti bombs.

Everyone lines up to hug and welcome Silver into the family, though they’ve already accepted her long before they met her personally. Soon we’re all gathered in the large family room. Silver is in conversation with the women, including a new girl, Cheri Scambo. Niece of the French Mafia Boss and daughter of the Underboss. She looks like your typical docile and obedient mafia woman, completely opposite of the woman around her. It’s almost painful to watch her meekness.

“How is your betrothal going, Marco?” Drake asks like the asshole he is. He knows damn well these two dislike one another. Marco is hungup on Carla while Cheri sees him as a brute. Can’t say I blame her. Marco acts as if it’s the girl’s fault he can’t be with Carla. To be quite honest, Carla was no good for Marco but I won’t be the one to tell him what he already knows.

“Fuck off, Drake. You just want everyone to look the other way while you chase your little mystery woman.”

Everyone laughs at Drake’s expression.

“What you thought no one knew about your racing habits?” Nico asks as he claps Drake on the shoulder.

“È vero, Drake.”It’s true. “Even pop knows about it but it hasn’t interfered with business so he lets you have your fun.”

“Someone should have fucking said something. All this sneaking around to go race has been a hassle.”

We all laugh again. There have been bets going around on when or if he’d realize everyone knew. I thought he would be more perceptive but I think this mystery girl who has been beating him every race really has him off his game.

“Hey, pop!” Drake yells out to Andino who is chatting with Gavriel and Johnny, “You knew I was racing?”

“Merda! He figured it out?” He pulls out a wad of cash and slaps it into Gavriel’s waiting hand.

The whole room busts up laughing, even Cheri’s tinkling laugh can be heard and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Marco. As he makes his way to her, the nanny comes in with the two bambinos on her hips.

I stop the kind woman before she can go any further and collect both grubby fingered babies from her. Roman and Rocco squeal and babble while trying to pull on my bowtie and suspenders but I don’t mind in the least. I’ve lost so many bowties to the kids, what's one more?

“Oh, Twitch. They’re the cutest creatures on this planet,” Silver says with delight as she holds out her hands for Roman. He goes to her willingly and immediately grabs her silver hair, turning it this way and that way while watching the light play on the strands.

Silver squeezes him to her chest and sniffs his head of hair. “Babies really do have that addictive scent, don’t they?” She says softly before looking at me and stealing the breath from my lungs with her next words. “I want one.”

Fuck me. I knew she wanted kids but to hear her say it while holding my nephew in her arms… it’s never felt more real than in this moment.

“I’ll give you a whole house of them but first we need to take care of some things. Two things actually. I won’t bring a child or more into this world with those fuc-” I stop myself from cursing in the presence of these kids and it makes Silver laugh. “I mean, fudging pigs are alive.”

“Good then we’ll start tonight.” Silver says easily with a shrug before sniffing Roman’s head and kissing him. Yep, she has baby fever. I can’t say I don’t, though.
