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“Are you ready to become Mr. Silver?” Nico’s mocking whisper hits my ears as we stand at the altar. Instead of turning to my best man, I lift my hand and flip him off over my shoulder, making everyone laugh. Only in my family will there be laughter over a derogatory gesture in a church.

“I’m ready to kick your ass.” I say as I pull at the collar of my shirt once again. The damn thing feels like a noose around my neck. Is it hot in here? I’m just about to run back down the aisle and carry Silver out here so we can do this thing, when the music changes to ‘Going To The Chapel’ by The Shirelles. Yeah, my woman wanted this entire wedding to be Rockabilly. Fine with me.

The bridesmaids start to walk out. All of them are wearing blood red dresses with something called a halter top. I don’t know what they’re called but my sister, Sia, looks breathtaking as she walks down the aisle with her husband at her side. She’s positively giddy over this entire wedding and even talked about starting a wedding planner business.

I watch everyone make their way to their spots and then stare at the entrance, waiting for Silver. Finally, the doors open and out comes my veiled beauty. My heart stops and my breathing runs shallow as I watch Silver make her way toward me.

Everyone ceases to exist as I see those red lips curl up under the veil. She looks like a goddess, my dea.

She’s wearing a tight cream colored dress that hugs her waist before flaring out into a poodle skirt with pearls and crystals sewn into the lace. The neckline dips low, showing off her gorgeous breasts which have begun to grow recently.

Yeah, that’s right. My woman has my baby girl growing inside her.

Violet Rose Romano. Our tiny angel sleeping sweetly in the womb.

Stepping down from the diasis I accept Silver’s hand from Bones. I cock a brow at him because it was supposed to be Diego who handed her off.

Bones shrugs slightly, “He isn’t here yet.”

That’s not like him at all, looking around I notice Jefa is no longer here but I can’t continue my search because the priest begins his speech about love and acceptance.

Ignoring him, I smile down at my woman. This close, I can see her icy blue eyes and trembling chin beneath the veil.

“You look beautiful, Neviah but I can’t wait to rip this dress off you.” My words are low enough to keep it private. Silver bites her bottom lip, making my cock jump. I need to stop my train of thought- I can’t have a boner in front of the entire congregation.

“And I can't wait to ride your face,surfer.” I can’t help but bark out laughter at her words, making the priest jump in the middle of his droning speech. The first conversation we’d ever had was somehow about beach bums and she remembers.

Fuck, I love this woman.

I look over at the father and interrupt. “Padre, let’s get to the vows, yeah?”

Everyone laughs and some whistle but thankfully the priest closes his bible and asks us to repeat after him. Everything from there is a blur, watching Silver slip the ring onto my finger was where my mind came back. I lift her veil and my heart bottoms out.

Fucking gorgeous.

Though Silver never fails to look beautiful, even when she wakes with a hangover and looks like zombie, she’s fucking gorgeous.

You may-” The priest doesn’t finish because the moment those two words leave his mouth, I’m on my woman.

Amidst the cheers and shouts, I move my lips against hers. While whistles reach my ears, I swallow down her moans.

I bite that plump lip of hers and flick her top lip with my tongue before pulling back.

“Let’s get out of here, yeah?” I’m ready to go find a room, hell, even a closet will do. I just need to get inside my...wife. Fuck yeah, she’s my wife!

“What about the reception? It’s tradition, Twitch.” Her words say one thing but her eyes say another. So does her breathy voice.

“Fuck tradition, Sil. Besides, we’ll be back before anyone notices.” I’m already lifting her into my arms and walking down the aisle while everyone laughs and claps knowing I’m about to rip this pretty dress off. I see my sister shaking her head knowing full well, I don’t give a shit if everyone knows what I’m about to do.

Entering the first door I see in this church, I walk in and kick the door closed. Laying her down on the desk, must be an office of some sort, I lift the many layers of Silver’s skirts and find her bare.

“Naughty girl, you aren’t wearing any panties?”

“Yes I am, Twitch. They’re invisible.” I pinch her wet and swollen clit.

“You and that smart mouth. This is going to be fast and hard, babe.” I warn as I undo my slacks and pull myself free.

“Good…” Her words trail off into a long moan as I push in deep. Fuck yes!
