Page 19 of Blood Crow

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"Because, Roxy. That's the way it goes with any higher power. Even in humans, those with power are always corrupt and cruel. They look down on half breeds and treat them like their blood is watered down."

I stand up and move around, pacing as I do when I'm agitated but my anger only grows.

"That's not the worst of it though. They see us as nothing at all. Vocem Sanguinis are a created race... made from black magic. Unblessed and impure; vile and an abomination! Our kind have to live on the outskirts of the supernatural world begging for scraps from the naturals. Bigotry and ignorance. That's why they do this to us!"

My sight is fading and I feel like I'm about to blackout. What the fuck is happening. Why do I feel like this?

"Black Bird!" Drug's voice is far away and I can feel myself trying to grasp at him but my arms won't move from my side.

Blinking the haze away I see I'm no longer standing in my living room instead I'm standing in a large circular room. The walls are made of some type of stone that looks like pearl or opal, the only light source is the opening above my head. I can't see what is through the opening because a blinding light is shining through.

The groan of an iron gate opening sounds and a woman in a long black robe comes in. She has the cowl over her head so I can't see her face but her voice is like sandpaper against my ears.

"I tasked you, Drug. Kill the Crows and be reborn."

What the hell is this? I know I'm having a vision again but who is this beast of a woman?

The robed woman moves her hands in front of her and whispers a spell making a ball of light float in her palm. There's a large ring on her thumb but I can't see it well and my attention is brought to the man before her.

Hanging against the wall is Drug only he's covered in fresh blood and open wounds like he's been flogged. Why isn't he healing or shifted into his Hellhound?

He lifts his face up and smiles at the woman in the most evil way possible and when he speaks, his voice is laced with the hatred of a thousand demons.

"I worry not, the Crows are coming with the Hounds in the rear. Your threats are for naught, your end is near."

Drug drags his eyes from the woman and stares at me right in the eyes. Can he see me?

"Drug! Drug, I'm here! Can you see me?" I'm screaming but I can't feel my mouth moving. My heart is pounding so hard I can feel my ribs shaking but the room begins to spin and fade. I try to keep my eyes on Drug but I can't see anything until my living room is now in focus.

"Oh fuck!" I groan and stumble forward into two arms.

I look up into Drug's glowing eyes and notice everyone is around us but the solace I find in his presence is profound.

"Oh my fangs, Drug. They're going to capture you and beat you! They had you chained to a wall that was made of some type of stone. It kept you from shifting and healing. You were bleeding and broken!" I drop my head to his chest overcome with a mixture of sorrow and relief.

"A woman in a long black robe was hurting you because you refused to kill us." I lift up my head and try to move away but he holds me tighter to him.

"And I won't. You're right, Black Bird. Love is for suckers but what we have... it's damnation." His eyes continue to glow but his words calm my fitful heart and his thumb, which draws soothing circles on my back, settling my raging mind.

"Were you able to see the woman's face or hear her voice?"

Drug lets me move but he doesn't let me go. He lightly grips the back of my neck and keeps his body close to mine, letting his warmth wrap around my cold bones.

"Her face was hidden but her voice sounds like an old croon in need of a cough drop." I try to think of every detail possible there wasn't much else though. "Oh! She had a big ring on her left thumb. It was the only jewelry I saw on her fingers. It was silver and looked like it could have been an insignia or crest of some sort."

Darren gets up and shows us his bracelet, the family crest for his race.

"Every race with a leader at the Elder's table has an insignia. Fairies have gold bracelets, Wolves have platinum necklaces Nymphs have silver bicep bands and witches have titanium rings."

"Of course a witch is behind this," Roxy says with an eye roll.

"Not just any witch, theTrue Witchelder... Merelda Hound."
