Page 28 of Blood Crow

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If I'm going to die like this, I'm going to curse this motherfucker before I go.

"Such a shame to have to kill you. Your parents were worthless but you and your sisters could have been magnificent under my tutelage. I can smell the magic laying latent in your veins..."

She continues to circle me as she mocks me but my mind focuses on one word,magic. I have new abilities, granted they're not very consistent but they're there nonetheless.

I see everyone trying to break out of whatever barrier Merelda threw up but it must be something crazy because they haven't been able to break through.

Darren has ripped up the ground around it but so far he’s been unable to find an opening.

Brothers get your girls back and let's throw hellfire at it as one.Drug's orders come through our mental link.

No! Stop, she can easily kill me. I'm going to throw hellfire at her from here. As soon as I'm free we port back to the house, grab the books and teleport out of here. Got it?I mentally shout my orders to Drug who I'm certain passes the message onto his brothers because they all nod.

Hold on to Darren and your men, sisters. I have an idea. When I'm free, get them to the house quickly.

I don't wait for them to reply, I keep my focus on Merelda's magically youthful face as she continues to mock how weak my mother and father were.

I bite back my anger as best I can and focus on how her eyes are the same shade of green as Drug's. Of course, his are much more captivating.

The way he watches me, even now, with admiration and appreciation. They burn bright when he's in throes of passion and battle. The way his body moves as he fights and the fierce protectiveness he has for his brothers.

I focus on him and the way he controls his Hellfire with ease. I picture it running through my veins like slow moving lava until I feel the heat in my hand. When Merelda gets closer to me, snarling in my face, I smile.

"You talk too much." I wiggle my fingers and feel the heat of Drug's flames dance along the tips. She notices the black flames and her eyes widen with unfiltered fear. She jumps back just as I flick one tiny flame in her direction with a mocking cackle of my own.

In her hast to escape the deadly element, her hold on me slips and I immediately teleport inside our barrier.

My sisters grab their men and Darren and vanish to the house while Merelda screams like a child throwing a tantrum.

Drug grabs me and slams his lips to mine for a quick but punishing kiss before turning to his grandmother, "We're far from over, old hag. Soon it’ll be your head in a bag."

Then we're gone.

Once we're standing in the house, I'm bombarded with everyone yelling at me at once.

"What the hell were you thinking, Ron?"

"You could have been killed!"

"What do you think would happen to my brother if you had died?"

"You risked yourself needlessly."

"Crow soup, Black." Drug rumbles next to me.

Everyone screams and tosses their hands around in exasperation as I stand there and wait for them to chill out. I mean, yeah I could have died but the bitch threatened my sisters, I was going to let that go. Plus, I proved the bitch could be hurt with weapons and she's terrified of Hellfire! Those are useful things to know, right?

"Did she smell like onions?" Roxy's yell is last and she screams it just as everyone quiets down so it was the only thing everyone heard clearly.

We all look at her and she shrugs, "I thought we were just yelling our thoughts."

With the chaos and adrenaline still running through our systems, we all bust up laughing at the sheer craziness of it all. Roxy and Rory wrap me in hugs and toss more threats but quickly go back to whatever it was they were doing before.

"I'll keep watch, you guys pack or whatever the fuck you're going to do. We need to get the hell out of here now," Draven says stoically before passing by Rory without a second glance. She watches him for a moment before turning away and grabbing three duffels out of the hall closet.

I want to use our sister-speak and ask her but I don't know if she has built a block strong enough to keep Draven from hearing her reply to my nosy ass questions. We can block each other perfectly but I can't seem to completely block Drug, it might be the same with her and Draven.

Rory goes into mother hen mode, ordering her little chicks around, "Grab the books, Ronny. Roxy, go get every potion already made. Darren, where do we start looking for the talismans? Roxy says they're located in three separate places?"

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