Page 45 of Blood Crow

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You can see us?Her voice rings out in my head and I feel my neck burn with something, probably a slash closing.

No but I can sense you and hear you, it feels so good too.Hearing her beautiful voice soothes the ache in my soul. My Hellhound stirs and helps my body heal faster.

I drop my head on a groan as my body mends but the heat in my neck spreads throughout my body. It doesn't burn though it's just... strange.

Ronny's inner voice breaks with a sob and my heart squeezes tightly. Fuck making Merelda scream, I'm gonna rip her throat out for making my Bird cry.

Don't cry, Black. I'm okay, just healing very slowly. This room is made of something that dampens my abilities and these cuts aren't what hurts. She's using Elsie to keep me tamed. She locked her in a cage and threatened to drain her of her power. She did it once until Elsie passed out while screaming.

My vision is blackening like I'm on the verge of passing out. I can feel that my body is almost healed which is strange because in the hours that I've been here I haven't been able to heal this quickly.

We'll find you Drug. I promise and we'll get Elsie out of there too.I can hear the raw emotion in Ronny's voice but she has my head popping up at her next words,

I love you.

The feel of her presence is gone but the smirk on my face stays put. I knew she'd give in to my charms. Damn, I really must be suffering from blood loss if I'm here complimenting myself.

The black dots in my sight expand and soon I'm unconscious but Ronny's three word sentence plays on repeat, giving me a sense of peace and a reprieve from this hell.
