Page 59 of Blood Crow

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"Are you okay, Black?" Drug pulls me to his chest and growls at the monsters who seem to be in pain. I don't reply or do anything other than grip Drug's torn and bloodied shirt, my body is weak and the spot where ice hit me is taking a long time to heal. I just want to sit, drink some good whiskey and never move again.

The monsters start to really howl and some drop to the ground writhing in pain.

"What's happening!" I scream at Elsie.

"She's releasing the curse on these people!" Mayfly shouts back as he guards Elsie's back. Who knows what these creatures will do to stop the pain despite the fact that she's trying to help them.

"Oh my fangs! Look!" Roxy shouts jumping up and down in Drac's arms as he tries to use his body to protect the little China doll.

I snicker in my mind at the sight but I quickly suck in a sharp breath when I look at what she's pointing to. The monster near her and every one of the monsters closest to Elsie, begin to vibrate so fast while flakes and dust fall from them. Just like the movie Silent Hill, the grotesque exterior of the beasts fall away and out of the ashes rises Blood Crow from ages gone by.

Generations of Crows stand and look at their hands and bodies. Some touch their faces while others sob in relief. I don't want to look around, I don't want to hope but I can't stop myself from searching the small crowd for the two faces I remember from my childhood memories. Two people I thought didn't love me or my sisters enough to stick around.


My heart beats out of my chest at the familiar voice coming from behind me. I'm shaking as I grip Drug tighter to me, afraid to turn, afraid to see the one whom I've needed all these centuries.


I spin at the name I haven't heard since I was a babe and standing before me, looking haggard and wasted, is my father.

I fall to my knees and cover my mouth but nothing can hold back the broken sob that wracks my body, shaking my ribs with so much force it becomes painful.

"Papa?" My voice is barely a whisper but my father hears it nonetheless. He staggers in place like my childhood endearment has hit him just as strong as my nickname hit me. Drug rushes over to him and catches him, bringing him to me.

I should stand and hold my father. I should scream with delight and wrap my arms around him but I don't. I've been in need of my father's arms for so long, in need of a hugfromhim. I think he knows because he drops to his knees and wraps me in the most tender hug I've ever received.

My sisters tackle us to the ground and hold us with sobs filling the air.

"I never thought I'd see you girls again."

My father's voice is hoarse but to me, there's no sweeter sound.
