Page 63 of Blood Crow

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We get back to the Crow house, so we can get ready to close Merelda's chapter once and for all.

At first, I thought we'd be on top of each other in this home especially with Elsie and Mr. Crow living here but the plantation house is very large. The cellar is bigger than the house as well and it's been the main living quarters for Ronny and I when she gave up her room to her father.

Overall, things have been going great and it's got me more anxious than ever.

"Where are Darren and pops?" Ronny asks Draven as we saunter through the house.

"Your dad is upstairs on the piano and Darren is with his woman. She still needs rest so he's opted to skip out on tonight's main event." Draven continues to watch the underground fighting on the tablet in his hands. Ever since Ronny showed him the mafia ring in New York he's been streaming it. He says he'll fight in it one day. Doubtful though since he has a shitty temper and will most likely kill everyone there.

"Is Audrey not doing good?" Ronny asks before entering the kitchen.

"She's fine but coming back from the dead after being decapitated is most likely taxing on the soul."

That's right ladies and gents, my sister, the motherfucking True Witch brought back Darren's mate from the dead. Elsie down plays that shit like it's nothing but come on now, that badass. Darren thinks so too. He has sworn oath to her and promised to always fight for her with the backing of the Fairies.

We enter the kitchen and find Drac, Rory and Roxy hanging out waiting for Elsie to be done with the dagger. I'm not sure what needs to be done with it but it'll assure Merelda dies indefinitely.

"Do you ever get the feeling that we're living in the calm before the storm?" Rory asks no one in particular.

"It does but maybe it's just because we've grown used to looking over our shoulders?" Ronny says hopefully.


None of us seem convinced despite that being very true.

The past few weeks have been a reprieve from the problems we faced and the fears we had of losing someone to Merelda's wickedness. Battling her dark forces were no simple task but coming to the end of it all was like being reborn.

Tonight, we'll finally be able to breathe again. We'll be able to live a life we deserve with the people we love.

Speaking of love, "How are things going with your dad?" I ask the sisters.

"Good! He's learning everything with ease and excitement, it's really fun to watch him." Rory laughs.

"Yeah, you guys should have seen him at the ice cream parlor. He ordered almost every kind and ate them all. But the best part was when he got his first brain freeze. I had to cloak us when he began howling like a fucking rabid animal. God, I couldn't stop laughing." The fact that Roxy finds delight in this is absolutely disturbing but I have to admit, picturing his face is quite hilarious.

"Okay, you guys, I'm ready. Let's go kill this fuck."

Roxy snorts loudly while the rest of us smother our smiles.


Elsie has been learning how to cuss. I know, it's a shitty fucking habit to teach someone but it's unavoidable when you live in a house of bad mouthing supernaturals. I'm pretty sure Roxy uses a curse word in every sentence.

"That's not how you use it. Let's go kill this fucker." I enunciate theerat the end and smile when Elsie's cheeks redden.

"Whatever, let's go...fucker." She says it mockingly to me and everyone busts up laughing.

Whatever, I'll get her back. Having her around to tease has made my brothers and I feel like those little kids we used to be before Merelda entered our lives. I don't regret becoming a Hellhound but I do wish we had human experiences with Elsie.

Ronny and her sisters join hands so we can siphon but before they can touch anyone else, their heads jerk back, faces to the ceiling and their eyes turn white.

"Fuck, they're having a vision."

"Here comes the storm."

"I wonder if they're seeing Elsie learn how to cuss correctly?" Drac is the only one to say something ridiculous and Elsie slaps him on the arm. Dray and I however, are stuck watching the sisters. I guess we're sort of used to his crazy.

Rory's face snaps to us, "Merelda has been caught, we must find the True Witch."
