Page 7 of Blood Crow

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For just a couple of seconds, a kaleidoscope of different colors flash in my mind; emotions and memories all mixed into one body. I see tears that have fallen in misery and I see thunderous rage but I also see celebrations of victories and joyous moments with family. Each color is tied to the emotions of those memories. I blink and pull myself from this strange vision.What the fuck was that?

Swinging my eyes from him, I look around to my sisters, not that I have to check on them, they’re deadly as fuck but I need to get my jumbled thoughts together. I was not expecting this.


I see that my sisters seem to be fighting the same trance or maybe they’re mentally drooling too. Holy hell, what do these hounds eat?

Like my man over here, these guys are gorgeously muscular and covered in detailed tattoos as well, only they don'tzingfor melike green eyes did.

The one staring at Roxy like she’s his next meal, is downright wicked looking with a sinister smile plastered on his sharp face. Like a sexy Joker, without the ridiculous clown makeup. The other guy who is currently making Rory squirm in her tight pants is the coldest looking of the three men. His brown hair hangs over his eyes and he has his head tilted to the side like Rory is an abstract painting. He is absolutely mouthwatering.

Oh my crows, these guys are definitely dangerous and I definitely need a cold shower.

Movement from green eyes has me bringing my attention back to him. He stops advancing when I step back and into a defensive stance; right leg back with my hips slightly turned towards him. I bring my short swords in front of me, in a ready position. I don’t know this man but I will not hesitate to cut his dick off if he comes closer.

And keep it, too.

The smoke that puffed from his Hellhound’s nose no longer appears as this godlike man tracks my movements with keen eyes. I’m already stunned and off my game with the fact that this hellhound just turned into a beautiful naked man but then he speaks and I swear my lady parts sing with lust.

“Doggy? Now that wasn’t very polite,black bird.”

My breath catches at the sound of his voice, the smooth accented timbre of it felt like a shock wave floating over my skin. He takes a few steps to me but stops four feet away. He sniffs the air like he’s taking in my scent and for some crazy reason, my heart begins to race and desire rushes through me. It feels like I took an aphrodisiac. His eyes flare as he takes another inhale. I watch as the color drains from his face and his jaw slackens but then his voice rings out... in my head!


I gasp and cloak myself. Nope. No fucking way. I didn’t hear him, nuh uh.

Let’s get the fuck outta here, sisters.I mentally shout.

Green eyes frantically searches the area and heads for Roxy who squeaks before cloaking herself. I don’t move from my spot, I’m cloaked after all, but now all the guys are staring at Rory expectantly. Her guy snaps his teeth at his brothers in warning when they step too close to her. Like he's possessive of her.

“Where are they,pigeon?

Joker asks at the same time Green demands,

“Where’s my black bird?”

Rory smiles at the men, “Catch us if you can,pups.” Then she flips them off with both hands before cloaking herself.

Once we’re standing in the living room of our house, my sisters and I stare at each other in shock. No sounds except for our heavy breathing.

What the hell just happened?

My emotions and thoughts run rampant but my body stays frozen. Who was that? Why did I hear his mental voice? Can he hear me now? What did he mean bymate?

Round and round my thoughts tumble, like a hurricane destroying my thought process.

Interracial mates happen, that's not such a big deal but I don'twanta mate especially not one who is my mortal enemy and is currently hunting me.

This is so fucked up.

"Did you hear his voice?" Rory asks no one in particular.

Since my thoughts are on myself and Green eyes, I assume she's talking to me so when Roxy says yes... I don't think, I don't consider what the fuck I'm doing, I just react to the intense jealousy and possessiveness that slams through me.

One moment I'm standing across the room, the next I have Roxy pinned to the wall with my blade to her throat.

"Mine!" I hiss in her face before realizing what the hell I'm doing. I drop my hold and jump back, letting my swords fall to the floor. "I'm so sorry, Rox. I don't know what that was. I'm sorry." I drop into a squat and rub my temples.
