Page 57 of Raiding Road

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Chapter twenty-five

‘Judgement Day’ Blues Saraceno


Fifteen minutes earlier

"I think it would be wise if we took our time with this. Killing her doesn't have to be the outcome. Zat was under their control, her choices were not her own, perhaps this is what's happening with Sara as well. Besides, you watched this girl grow into the woman she is today. You don't want to see her father's face every day knowing his daughter's blood is on your hands, justified or not."

Jaz's words have me seeing fucking red. Not because she's wrong, but because she's too fucking good for this world, her forgiveness is undeserving. She practically killed someone because of the hex put on her. She was an unwilling participant, yet she wants to offer mercy.

I growl at the injustices of it all. Pissed that this happened to her, pissed that a Werewolf is broken in the healer's office, pissed that we're in this situation; deciding the fate of someone we watched take her first steps.

I can feel my canines elongating and drip with venom, as I speak, “Sara didn't just do this to you, Jaz. She did it to my entire pack. Her actions, if she did this, are a bitch-slap to my authority and if you think for one second that I will let that go...well darlin' you've got a lot to learn about Cutthroat."

I can see that she hears me, understands my position, but I know she won't let this go. I turn my back, intending on facing the little Witch myself, but her words once again stop me.

"And if she's under the control of the Dark Bloods?"

"We'll cross that bridge if we get there." I grumble over my shoulder before nodding to Atticus that we need to go.

Women,I feel my wolf rumble inside me, agreeing with me one hundred percent.

"Roam—" Jaz calls but Knix and Knox come running when they spot her. Their hugs cutting off her words.

As they start peppering Jaz and Zatrina with questions, I turn to Atticus, "What'd Case say?"

"He said she wasn't really herself. As he escorted her home, he felt like she was trying to turn him against us and the women. Somethin' ain't right, brother. Your woman is on to somethin’, that isn't the Sara we know."

Fuck! The feeling of being completely out of control of my own pack is fucking breaking my soul like nothing else. Even death is far sweeter than this.

I turn back to the group, looking directly at Knix and Knox, "Stay here with Jaz," I hold my hand out to Zatrina, "give me the vial and protect your sister. Aster may not have gotten the hex off. If that's the case, she's only going to respond to you."

I catch the vial before looking over at Jaz. There's a lot I want to say but there's no words, not with the raging inferno of anger pulsing through me. Anything I say right now will only sound harsh and demanding, so I settle for a nod before turning around.

I'm done with this bullshit. I honestly don't know what the hell I'm going to do with Sara. Whether she's was under the control of the Dark Bloods or not. This will never sit right with me. I'll never be able to look at her the same way. After all, Zatrina was possessed be ademon, but she fought against it for the sake of her sister. If Sara had love and loyalty for this pack as I always believed she did, shouldn't she have been able to fight against the influence?

"Brother," Case greets as we walk up to the simple cabin style house, "all's been quiet for the last hour."

My brows furrow, "She put up a fight?"

"Ah, sort of, and some of the pack members were none too happy that she was being confined to her home. They felt she’d done nothing to warrant it."

Atticus growls loudly, "She fucking disrespected my mate in front of me. You're damn right she warranted a lockdown. This is Cutthroat for fuck's sake, not the fucking knitting club for pussy ass softies."

Case folds his lips inward, his dimples popping out as he holds back his laughter, "You good, now? Did you bitch vent enough?"

Atticus stares at him for a second, "I hate you."

"Alright, come onBronzeandGoldie," I use Jaz's nicknames for them as I walk up the steps.

I hear them grunt and chuckle behind me but the moment we step into Sara's living room, all our amusement ends. The place looks like shit and the smell of rotting wood hits us hard. The furniture is torn to shreds, even the thick wooden coffee table is broken, and it has what look like deep claw marks all over it. There are holes in the walls, and there are black ashes all over the floor as if someone burned piles of paper in here.

"Sara!" I call out from my spot, unwilling to move further into the room and leave our backs open for an attack, "come out here, now."

I use my Alpha power even though I know it doesn't affect her the same way it would a Werewolf. Oh, it's powerful enough to hurt if I want it to, but nowhere near the same if she had Werewolf in her.

We don't hear anything in the house, not a rustle of clothing, not an intake of breath; nothing but silence. I turn and nod my head to my brothers. Atticus slinks off around the carnage toward the toppled and broken coffee table. Carefully he lifts the wood and moves the rug, exposing the cellar door that every cabin has in case of an attack from a rival MC. Case makes his way to the kitchen, in the same careful manner, as I pull my wolf forward and make my way to the hall which leads to the bedrooms.
