Page 58 of Raiding Road

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The whole place feels ominous and wrong. How could we have not seen this? How could we not see the signs of her betrayal? I've prided myself on being able to protect my pack, on being able to read people to a T, but this right here just tore down that pride. It's made me question everything. Aster said the Ancients will rise, and the inflection she used tells me that I'm the one of those sons. That Atlas and Case are too, but how can we be when we didn't even spot a Judas in our pack?

"Don't look so put out, Roman Cut. Not even my father suspected where my true loyalties lay." Sara's menacing words echo all around me, but I don't see her anywhere.

"You hide rather than face me? Only a coward strikes from the shadows." I growl as I kick open the first bedroom door, foregoing any semblance of stealth. I'm done. Completely fucking done. I just want to eat, drink, fuck my woman and sleep. I want to lead my pack peacefully and ride the road all night. I want to run with my pack and have a festival for my people. But instead of all that, I'm here in my betrayer's home, trying to find the cowardly Witch.

Fuck. My. Life, right now.

"My time is too valuable to play with dogs. I've been living amongst you smelly beasts for far too long and I'm ready to finish my mission and end the Werewolf race. You and your hairy kind are an abomination. Unworthy of calling yourselves supernaturals.Unnatural is what you are," Each word she speaks only has my anger at her and myself mounting. Even a fool should have spotted this bitch's true intent. Her childlike features pulled the wool over us. Our cockiness became blinders over our eyes.

"Besides, why get my hands dirty when I can have my pets do it for me?"

Ignoring Sara's ridiculous riddles as the echo around the room, I kick the restroom door open and jump back when a grotesque beast charges me from the shower.

"Say hello to the Alpha, daddy." Sara giggles as the beast swings wildly. Daddy? It's her father?! she did this to her own flesh and blood. What in the actual fuckery?

This one is different from the beasts we fought in the field. It doesn't seem to have any fighting abilities; it's just fighting me because it has been created to.

"You're sick, Sara, this isn't you!" I shout as I continue to block the fast paced and erratic punches, "You grew up in this pack, we took care of you all your life; you don't want to do this to us."

I'm hoping I can talk her off the ledge as I do with all lone wolves because at the end of the day, Jaz is right, this girl is one of us, and if I can save her from herself and the Dark Bloods, I will. Why? Because I'm the Alpha of the motherfucking Cutthroats; it's what and real leader does.

"You're right, Alpha man; this isn't Sara. Poor little girl had such love for her friends, her family. Emotion is the father of ruin. It clouds your judgement and blinds you to the truth, even when it's staring you in the face."

The beast growls on its next swing, almost as if Sara's—ornot-Sara—words struck a chord with it. Perhaps this is why the beast fights unwillingly, he's trying to overpower whatever spell or curse is controlling him.

I punch the beast in the face, its skin sliding off and exposing the tendons and muscle beneath. It takes everything in me not to throw up right here. I just need to knock it out, I don't want to kill him because it's a pack member beneath it, but I need to stop him. I need to cut off its source, and that is this bitch.

I drop to down as the beast charges once more, this time I give a powerful kick to the chest. I hear a loud snap as his solar plexus breaks under my boot. All the breath and fight leaves the beast as he crumbles to the floor gasping for air. I'm not sure if he still has supernatural healing abilities while under this curse, but I don't wait to find out. I jump to my feet and leave the room.

I can hear Case and Atticus fighting in the main area of the house, their growls and jaws snapping reverberates around the room.

"Where are you, you little cunt?" I yell, snapping my head around to find the bitch.

"Right here."

I spin around at the sound of her voice and quickly dodge the magic she throws at me. The orb hits the corner of the wall, melting the wood as if it were plastic. My claws rip through my fingertips as I swing my arms, slashing her across her forearm as she blocks my blows. I grin at her screams.

"You won't live much longer, Witch. I don't know who you are," I swing again as I step toward her. This time in an upward motion, ripping her open from hip to armpit, "but you will pay for your crimes against Cutthroat."

I swing once more, going for her exposed throat but she fucking bursts into thousands of screaming moths. The fat creatures try to land on me, but my luminescence wolf pulsates and blasts the nasty things away from me.

I turn, intended on helping my brothers but the damn beast from the back room comes barreling out of the bedroom and tackling me to the floor. I really didn't want to kill this man. I don't want to end the life of a man who had no say in this, but what else can I do? How can I stop the Witch when she can easily slip through my grasp?

"Where's Roman?!" I hear Jaz's voice and a loud crash. All I want to do is fucking hide her, put her ass in bubble wrap and tuck her away somewhere this Witch can’t touch her, but I can't. I can't even turn in her direction because this beast has become much more willing to kill me.

Fucking hell.

“So nice of you two to join us,” Sara says from somewhere in the room, “and you brought more bodies for me.”

Fuck this. I scissor my arms, my claws outward, and uncross my arms in a blur of speed. I howl when I watch the beast's head fall to the floor. My rage at the unjust hand this man was dealt and the weight on me for killing him, has my blood pounding so hard. The sound of my fury rushing through my ears and blocking out all other sounds until I hear Jaz's exerted voice in my head.

You are the son of the Ancients, Roman. Unleash your wrath, the wrath of the Cutthroats.

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