Page 73 of Raiding Road

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“No! Kill,” his words break off as he roars and jumps to his feet, unable to hold himself back any longer.Or he’s attacking me to get what he wants...death.

I quickly pull my swords from their sheaths over my back and duck under his wide swing at my face. I arch backward, dodging another deadly claw swipe, and punch him in the face and gut with my handle gripping fist.

Roland falls to one knee, “Kill…me…Jaz.”

A sob breaks through my throat as I shake my head. I keep the tip of my blade pointed at Roland’s neck as I look around for someone to help me, someone to take him to a safe place, but everyone is deep in the battle.

I’m about to call out to Roman using our mental link when Roland leaps forward, my sword sliding through the center of his chest with his eyes locked on me. I scream, the tears falling freely, when his black eyes turn back to his normal brown.

“Your sister…safe. Kill…Cree.” Then his pupils dilate as his last breath leaves his body. I grip the back of his neck and lay him on the grass before pulling my blade free.

I scream loud and long, punching the grass next to a man I grew up with. His mate was my neighbor. His mother was the sweetest woman anyone had ever met, and his younger siblings wanted to be just like him.

“I will avenge you, Roland.” I whisper harshly.

I’m going after Cree.I growl into the mental link, fully expecting Roman to demand me to stand down.

Kill him, my mate. Make him suffer for every tear you’ve cried and for every drop of blood he’s spilled.

Shocked, I stand at search him out. He’s in his partial form, fighting two dark Raiders. His brothers are in a similar battle of their own.

I’m done wasting time, with my blades out, I run toward the last place I saw Cree as I cut down any Raider who tries to stop me. I spot him and my heart practically breaks through my chest when I see who reached him be fore me.

Knix uses her teleporting ability to pop in and out of existence around Cree. Her attacks leaving nasty open wounds all over him, but she's mostly just pissing him off. I'm about ten feet from him when he anticipates her move and snaps his hand out, gripping her jaw so hard her ears begin to bleed. There's a loud stomach turning snap of bone before he slams her body to the ground. And like a weak fucking coward he is, he kicks her in the face, sending her body flying towards me like a ragdoll.

I catch her and run to the fence, placing her broken body on the soft grass before turning back in a bloodthirsty rage. I pump my legs harder than I ever have before, staring at Cree's giant back as he backhands another Cutthroat. I lift both blades and slam them to the hilt through his shoulder blades. His roar is music to my ears. I lift my foot and kick him in the back, ripping my blades out as he falls forward.

"Look at me you fucking coward. I want you to see who takes your life."

Cree drops to the ground and rolls to the side, his eyes no longer black but blue, "Jaz.. please, don't kill me." His voice sounds so normal that I let my guard down, my grip loosening on my swords.

But then I remember Knix, my sister, Roland, my new pack and my fingers tighten, "You’re already dead."

I swing my blade in a downward arch, just as a massive black wolf leaps in front of me. I stop my motion but just barley and slice through the wolf's ear, the tip flying toward the grass. Atticus doesn't give a shit though.

He attacks Cree, his massive jaws sinking into Cree's neck and viscously shaking him. The Raider Alpha screams, the terrible sounds rent the air and fucking hell, I want to run away from this. I turn away from the gruesome sight, holding my vomit in when I hear flesh and bone tearing followed by a heavy thud in the grass. I can't hold it back, I drop to my knees and empty my stomach. All the alcohol drank earlier coming back to burn my nose and throat.

I wipe my mouth and look around, seeing the battle is down and sobbing at all the bodies laying in the grass. The Raiders didn't stand a chance against the Cutthroats. Cree sentenced them to a brutal end, but if Roland's pleas are anything to go on, these people most likely sighed with relief on their last breath.

Still, the death of these people…people I swore to protect,were turned against their wills. Made to do unforgiveable things. Even when they were normal Werewolves. The fighting pits had them killing each other for the slightest infringe. I can only imagine what they had to do once they were forcefully changed in to these beasts. Roman comes to my side, reaching down and lifting me to my feet like I'm nothing more than a small broken child. I stand there, tears fall unbiddenly from my eyes as Roman's mind touches my own.

He doesn't talk to me, telepathically or verbally, but I can feel him searching my body through our bond. He won't find physical wounds, but I see them moment he feels my soul bleeding.

Cutthroat members begin to cheer as they look at their fallen foes, and who the fuck can blame them? They won. They protected their families and homes. Still, it makes my throat and eyes burn with tears.

"Do no cheer for this!" Roman calls out, his Alpha power rolling around him as he eyes every person, "what happened here, is a loss to our world. These people we were forced to kill were once innocent and loving people. They were family to Jaz. This is not a moment to celebrate, it is a moment to mourn and remember," he points to the road leading up to the gate, the road I traveled on not that long ago when Roman and his brothers brought me here, "and in respect for their sacrifice, this road where they lost there lives will be forever known asRaiding Road!"

“Thank you,” I tell him softly as I watch every pack and MC member bow their heads. I speak loudly, my voice echoing with the woods surrounding us, “what you all did here makes me proud to call myself a Cutthroat. The fierce protectiveness you have and the will to face even the deadliest opponent makes my wolf howl in gratitude to the Ancients. I am proud to be in this pack!”

This time, when the cheers come, Roman doesn’t stop them. But as I look upon every face, I notice Atticus standing broken as he rolls Zatrina’s lock of hair between his fingers.

“We still have work to do! Once we have gotten Alpha Atticus’ mate back from Raider territory, we will have ourselves a proper celebration!”

Then I walk over to my broken brother and watch as his flaming eyes burn with anger.

“She is not lost to you,” I swallow thickly, “beta Roland told me she is alive in Raider territory. She will be home once more.”

He doesn’t reply, he just walks away, Zatrina’s hair in his fist.

“Mors necesse est septempliciter vindicaretur.” I say softly.

“Death will have vengenance.” Roman answers as he take my hand and pulls me to him.

As I dig my nose into his chest and inhale his comforting scent, I promise myself a new oath.

I will save my sisters and I won’t stop until I know the Dark Bloods have been laid to waste.

By the blood in my veins and the words of the Ancients, I swear it.
