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I nod thoughtfully and watch it vanish again.

“They have the loudest voice in the entire world.” I feel his heat at my back, before I feel his chest against my back. He tucks my hair behind my ear. “Even louder than your cries last night.”

When I dig him in his ribs with the point of my elbow he bites on my ear and keeps me in place.

“Why must you torment the poor woman?” Geoffrey snaps, admonishing his captain in a way that has the captain raising his brow and Geoffrey shrinking away slightly. “I just mean… after what she’s going through already. Leave her be.”

“Maybe she doesn’t want me to leave her be?”

“She definitely does,” I murmur, digging my elbow into his ribs again.

He chuckles which only infuriates me.

“Why am I here?”


I could punch him. “Why?”

“You truly think knowing will make it any better?” he asks as I turn in his arms and stare up at him.

“It’ll help.”

He cups his hand over the watch on his wrist and looks at Geoffrey. “Leave us.”

Geoffrey nods and pinches my hip as he passes.

Captain watches him go and then looks at me with a curious gaze. “You’re settling better than I’d thought of a hostage.”

“I’m adapting,” I reply, trying to lean out of his bubble but it’s impossible as he has me caged in, he really likes having me trapped. “I actually want to go home.”

“Maybe you will.”

“Don’t rub it in that my life literally rests in your hands. I’ll lose my mind quicker.”

He finally steps away. “I have you here because your boyfriend has information I need and he refused to give it.”

I hesitate. “What information? Did he reveal it?”

“That’s not important and no. We’re at a stalemate.” He clears his throat. “He won’t give me the information until I return you.”

My heart races. Could this be it?

“Don’t look so hopeful. I’m not returning you until I have the information.”

“Are you returning me at all?”

He twiddles my hair around his finger. “Maybe by the time we get to land, you won’t want to leave.”

“Keep dreaming.” This time he doesn’t laugh at my sass and I don’t assess his reaction because I don’t want to care about how he feels. “Take me home.”

He doesn’t reply, I’m sick of silence and pauses and hesitations and fucking mind games.

“Fine… can I at least speak to Niall? Or my mum? Or anyone?”


I grab the front of his shirt. “I promise I won’t give away anything. Not that I can…”


Growling with frustration, I push him back a step and rage my way down the stairs, putting as much distance between us as possible.

Then, another thought comes to mind. I’ve got free rein. Maybe I can find a phone? They couldn’t have locked them all down. He got a signal so maybe I can too.

Or did he use a special ship phone?

Are there special ship phones?

I walk to the side, starboard side and lean over. The drop is at least forty feet, if not more. This thing is massive. I’ve been mostly confined to this section of the maze but it would take so long to explore. I suppose that’s a good thing, more running space if needed and more people which means more phones.

I wait for the whale to reappear as I gather my thoughts and devise a plan of action but nothing happens.

Exploring seems dangerous when creepy Roger is intent on finding me alone, damn the consequences. I look around but everybody on the deck is busy or chatting, nobody has a phone. Why don’t they have phones? Everybody has a fucking phone!

I wander around, making it look aimless, despite the fact it is. Why do we always feel shiftier when we’ve something mischievous on our minds. I always feel like people will hear my internal monologue and catch me before I can act upon it.

I hope they can’t because then they’d know all of my thoughts regarding last night and how incredible it felt and how confused I am about it all.

Do I have Stockholm syndrome?

I roll my eyes at my own stupidity, I’m not in love with the guy, nor do I feel indebted to him. I just feel tingly. That’s all. Tingly.

If I had a gun I could gladly put a bullet between his eyes. Maybe.

I move from starboard to port side slowly, glancing around me hesitantly, moving to the ridge that overlooks the rest of the ship before finally leaning back on the railing.

I let my head hang and that’s when I see it again, the humongous blue whale, a back with very few barnacles. It swims alongside the ship, surfacing. I see water swirl around its massive blowhole like a drain and grin when it blows it out a little, not a massive puff like before. More like a sneeze, if whales can sneeze.

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