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“Please,” I try, clawing at his arm with my long nails. He doesn’t even flinch or loosen when I dig my nails in so deep I feel his blood pool around my fingertips.

My panic ascends, making me stronger, fuelling me with the adrenaline I need to kick back, missing his groin by an inch but putting enough space between our bodies for me to get his knee cap. It doesn’t break but it startles him enough for me to run.

I yank open the heavy door and slip through as his hand reaches for my hair again.

“HELP!” I screech into the empty hall but the sound of the rain, wind and ship mask it easily. My rubber soles squeak and slide against the wet surface. The water is seeping into the hall.

I’m about to head up, towards the bridge but he beats me to it, toying with me. Sneering as he blocks my path.

“They’re too busy for you.” He dives at me, grabbing me and slamming me against the wall. “He doesn’t care about you. Nobody does. You’re a cunt and you’re only good for your cunt.”

“Get off me!” I scream, grabbing his bandaged finger and squeezing.

He bellows louder than I could muster from the pain but keeps his hand on my throat. I battle with his good hand as his eyes flash with danger and promises of a painful future.

I kick out again but he moves and his hand tightens.

“He’ll kill you,” I yell. “He’ll kill you for this.”

“Been stripped of my title and job, hand’s flaring with infection they won’t fucking cure and don’t have fuck to live for anyway. Besides, he can’t kill me till both my fingers are taken. Those are the rules.” He chuckles but sweat beads on his forehead and I know all I have to do is keep hitting his hand and eventually he’ll drop. The body can only handle so much pain.

I try to run for the stairs again but he spins me back to the wall. “Nice try.”

Testing my theory, I hit and slap at his hand which he holds out of reach. That is until I feel a crack as his forehead connects with my nose. Dizziness rocks my world and stomach and I drop to the left. He shoves me the rest of the way and down I go.

His hand tugs at the waistband of my shorts as my double vision returns to normal and hot blood seeps from my nose to my mouth.

“STOP!” I screech, fighting against him.

I kick out my sneakered foot, connecting with his hand and race for the door ahead.

Bad move.

As it opens a wave crashes over the hull, drenching me with a cold spray that almost knocks me off my feet. Still, I power on stupidly, trying to reach the outer stairs that lead up to the bridge but I hear him behind me, gaining on me.


He shoves me forward again and I pray somebody has seen something or heard something.

I run and keep running, wiping my nose on my wrist, barely glancing at the smear of blood that marks my creamy flesh.

I don’t know where I’m going or what I’m doing, all I know is I need to get away. There’s a door in the distance, if I can get to it…

The boat rocks, a wave cascades over the deck, crashing against the fixtures, crashing against me. I slide to the starboard side, hitting my arm on the base of a gun as I try to grab at its slippery surface.

Pain ricochets through my bones but not enough to make me stop.

Roger, used to this kind of rocking and water, descends upon me with ease, his balance much better than mine.

“Reckon I can finish before somebody gets here,” he shouts over the noise, grinning evilly as his hand pulls on the cord of my shorts, untying the front. I have to hold them up now but another wave comes with another jerk of the metal beast and I frantically try to keep hold.

“Touch me and I will kill you before he ever does,” I yell, trying to be brave.

At least I got to talk to my mum one last time.

The sea saves me and rocks the boat so violently even he can’t stay standing. He lands on his bad hand and I slide into the railings. The boat tips so violently I worry it’s about to capsize.

I look up at the lit bridge, wondering if they can see me. Wondering if I’ll be saved.

I doubt anybody is checking the deck. They’re all staying where it’s safe.

I’m going to die.

If he doesn’t kill me, the sea will.

I hold onto the railing and see a glimmer of hope, a glimmer of light through the black clouds. The sun is rising, the storm is clearing.

“RAIN!” I hear Captain’s deep voice, panicked, almost drowned out by the noise.
