Page 13 of Chasing Kings

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Ethan’s life motto was it’s easier to beg forgiveness than to ask permission. Besides, begging could be a lot of fun. Especially if someone had to get on their knees.

Sam chased after him, saying something he didn’t quite catch. All his attention was distracted when he walked into the bedroom and got a glimpse of the TV.

There he was, in all his birthday-suit glory, buried balls-deep in Vixxxen Wilde’s wet pussy.

“Huh.” He put his hands in his jeans pockets and cocked his head, taking in the scene on the television, the rumpled sheets on the bed and recalling Sam’s satisfied glow in the doorway.

She stopped beside him and must have realized it was too late for her to come up with a plausible cover story. “Busted,” she muttered.

“Checking the Yellow Pages, were you?” She appeared confused until he added, “Letting your fingers do the walking.”


Ethan didn’t need to look to know she’d be blushing, but he got a kick out of it, so he grinned at her. “It’s not my best work. I could have recommended a dozen better ones off the top of my head. Really dirty stuff. I bet you’re secretly a bad girl, aren’t you?”

“Excuse me?” The lady was protesting too much. He was totally right.

“Oh, come on, sweetheart, it’s a bit late to play coy now. If you wait another five minutes, I get invited in the rear entrance.” He pointed at the TV, and Sam scrambled for the remote. “I mean, you’ve watched me fuck someone now, I’d say it gives me a little license to tease.”

She crossed her arms over her chest—reacquainting him with her cleavage—and fixed him with a cute attempt at a mean glare that only succeeded in giving him a halfie. “You don’t know anything about me. What makes you think I’m a bad girl?”

“Good girls don’t jerk off to porn in hotel rooms.”

“Women don’t jerk off,” she said, sounding as scandalized as a church wife watching a Tijuana donkey show.

“Sure they can. Principle is the same.”

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“You’re terrible.”

“I sure am. If you watch a while longer, you can get an idea for how bad I can be.” He reached for the remote, but she threw it to the opposite side of the bed. “Unless you want me to show you.”

She let out a squeak that might have been the most adorable noise he could recall hearing a woman make. Usually when he bedded girls outside the industry, they were in it for a story. One time I fucked a porn star. It was a badge of honor on their Bad Girl Scout sash.

He didn’t get that vibe from Sam. For one thing, she was actively resisting him. At first he’d thought it was because she didn’t want anything to do with him, but he had been willing to convince her it was worth a go.

Now he didn’t think he’d have to work very hard to change her mind.

She’d seen what he had to offer. If he could get her to see he wasn’t all cock, she might lighten up somewhat.

He held up both hands in mock surrender. “I didn’t come here to offend you or make you uncomfortable.”

“You’re doing a bang-up job, so far.”

He successfully resisted the urge to make a joke. “This took me by surprise.” Ethan nodded at the TV. “I wasn’t expecting to see my dick in 1080p HD at like…three times its normal size when I walked in here.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t have walked in then,” she reminded him.


“Good point. Let’s try this again.” He walked out of the bedroom and back into the hallway, closing the door behind him. After a short pause he knocked on the door, praying she wouldn’t use this against him and lock him out entirely.

It was risky and might bite him in the butt in a not-so-fun kind of way.

Sam opened the door.

“Hi,” he greeted in the same cheeky tone he had earlier.
