Page 14 of Chasing Kings

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“You’re an idiot,” she informed him, like he might not be aware of it already. But he saw it, what he’d been hoping for. Instead of looking irritated, Sam was smirking. Score one for Ethan.

“Can I come in?”

“Can you tell me what you’re doing here first?”

“I know when I offered upstairs you said no, but let me give this another whirl. It’s your first time in Vegas, right?”

“Yeah…?” She seemed wary of answering at first, phrasing the word as a question.

“I come here all the time. I should have honorary residency rights. Point being, I know all the good, fun places to go, and I think it’s only fair I share my knowledge with you.” He smiled and tried to make it a friendly one, though his default tended towards leering.


“Because I’m bored, and we’re both alone in Vegas. We can either let it be a bummer, or we can have a good time together. Whaddya say?”

She appeared to be mulling it over, carefully considering his proposition. Finally she said, “No sex.”

“No sex?”

“I’ll go with you, but we’re not having sex. So if this is some scheme to show me how charming you are in order for you to get in my pants, forget it. I’m not falling for it. No sex.”

Was this girl for real?

“That’s a pretty bold declaration. Who’s to say you won’t change your mind?”

She paused before she said, “I won’t change my mind.”

“You might change your mind. I’m sort of irresistible.”

“So you’re admitting it was a ploy?”

“No, I’m just saying you should never take sex off the table completely. Sex is fun. Why say no to fun?”

“Good night, Ethan.” She started to close the door.

“Wait, wait, wait. Okay, hold on.” He racked his brain, trying to figure out a way he could get her to join him without making any sexless promises. “I have a compromise.”

“This should be good.”

“You’ll like it, I swear.”

“Let’s hear it.”

“I will be a perfect gentleman until you say otherwise. I won’t proposition you, and I’ll keep my hands to myself until you tell me I can put them somewhere else.”

“Don’t hold your breath on that one.”

“Oh, don’t worry about me, Sam. I can hold my breath for a good, long time.”

Chapter Six

Sam had to be out of her damned mind.

For starters, basic common sense told her it was a terrible idea to wander out into Vegas alone with a veritable stranger. It hardly mattered that he was a somewhat famous stranger, because being in porn didn’t suggest a tendency towards morally sound decision-making.

Yet she’d agreed to go.

Which was even stupider. She knew full well she wanted to sleep with him, and the flimsy promise of no sex wasn’t going to do her any good if she decided she wanted to jump his bones. She couldn’t stop herself from eating M&Ms when she was on a diet, so how was she going to keep from climbing on him and giving his totem pole a whirl?
