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“You’re doing a bang-up job of it if things like a giant fucking troll are getting through on a regular basis.”

She glared at him. “I am the only person protecting that gate. My clan is spread throughout the country, and I am the sole gatekeeper for the passage.”

Shane shut his mouth.

“That’s not why I need your help, though.”


“I’ve got a bigger problem.”

“A bigger problem than escaped trolls?”


“I’m all ears.”

She looked away and felt her cheeks flush. “I’m the first daughter in seven generations of Claughdid. Sons beget sons, and the line is carried on through them. I’m an anomaly. I’m a problem for them.”

“You can shoot. You can kill. What’s the problem?”

“Well…traditionally in our clan the job of daughters was much more cut-and-dry than what I do. I’m a guardian because my father sired no sons. Only me. But my time is almost up.”

“What does that even mean?”

“I’m almost twenty-five. When my birthday comes, so will the high council. And I will be sacrificed.”

“I’m sorry, you’ll be what?”

“Sacrificed. By the dudes in cloaks as you so politely phrased it. To appease the gate. That’s the duty of my clan’s daughters. Our job is to die.”

Chapter Six

Shane sat next to his heterosexual partner in crime Nolan Tate, and they each stared into barely touched pint glasses of beer.

“She…” Nolan started, then his voice trailed off.


“’nd there was a troll?”


“Lemme see if I get this straight. The lady-druid version of Hawkeye wants you to help save her life from her own crazy druid family. People who can make magic light circles out of blood that’re designed to suck bodies into a differen’ dimension?”

Shane took a swig of his beer and swallowed hard. “Yup.”

“Huh. You got some thoughts on how you’re gonna manage that?”

“I was going to call Secret and see if maybe she wanted to shoot me in the head first.”

“Don’ suggest it. I think since the whole…situation with the wolf king, she might take you up on the offer. She’s probably itchin’ to shoot somethin’ right ’bout now.”

Hell hath no fury like a vampire Tribunal leader scorned.

They both drank.

“Funny thing about certain death,” Shane said. “It’s usually pretty certain.”
