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“You are a disgusting human, and I cannot wait to show you how I truly feel about you,” he says, his voice soft and almost melodic. It’s kind of terrifying. “And you?” Ruslan asks, turning to my father. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

My father doesn’t take the same approach as my mother does, he clears his throat and at least has the sense to look nervous, maybe even guilty.

“Vova said I had no choice. Azar wanted her and in order to keep the peace with the Bratva and the Persians, I had no choice. It was Isabel who could ensure the peace.”

“There is always a choice. I was sixteen,” I say, speaking for the first time.

My father shakes his head. “You were old enough to consent.”

“I never would have,” I snap.

He nods his head. “It matters not. This is the world we are in, Isabel. This is the world you were born into. You do these things and save others.”

“But it wasn’t about saving anyone,” I say. “You were paid, and handsomely.”

The expression of guilt returns. “I was,” he admits. “Azar paid what he would typically put forth for a bride’s price and Vova matched it. Just ask Vova. The deal was solid. Contracts were signed, this was legit.”

“You’re both disgusting,” I hiss. “Disgusting humans. Vova isn’t here to save your ass, neither is Kevah. They’re both disgusting humans too and thank God they’re dead. I could tell you all the things that Azar did to me, that he made me do. But I won’t, because I don’t think you even care. You don’t feel bad for what you did, even now you’re both telling me it was just part of the life, that it was what was expected of me, except it wasn’t and it isn’t.”

“I didn’t know,” Irina whispers, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I didn’t know. They told us that you ran away, and when we moved, both Ion and I tried to make sense of leaving our home. Of running to another state, while you were out there all alone. They told us that your body had been found. That you were dead, and we were starting a new life.”

“I knew it couldn’t be true,” Ion whispers. “I never believed it. They came into a lot of money out of nowhere, and you were gone. I know how the world works and I knew it was more than just you ran away and died.”

Nodding my head, I turn to look back at Ruslan. He gives me a small smile. “Is there anything else you need to know?” he asks, his voice soft and sweet. Too perfect really, he is too perfect for me.

“What happens to my brother and sister?” I ask on a whisper.

His small smile stays in place. “We don’t think they know. I’m pretty sure they’re telling the truth. They were just children.”

“But what happens?” I ask.

“Ion is aBoyevikalready in Florida. He can go back if hisPakhanwill have him still under the circumstances. Your sister, it’s really up to her.”

Turning my head, I look back at the four people lined up and tied to chairs. Panas is standing in front of my sister, his head tipped down. Her face is tilted upward as she looks up at him, her face pink.

“But they’ll live.”

“Unless you don’t want them to. Then I’ll kill them right here and now, not a single fuck given.”

I let out a low laugh, shaking my head as I lift my hand and cup his cheek. “I think they’ve been through enough.”

He hums. “Yeah, I’m guessing that they probably have. Artur is waiting outside to take you home.”

Clearing my throat, I shift my face upward to look up at him. He leans down, touching his mouth to mine. “You’ll sleep beside me tonight, Ruslan. Right beside me, all night.”

He grunts, but surprises me when he lifts his head. “Okay,luchik. I’ll sleep beside you.”

Smiling, I take a step backward and I turn around. A few months ago, I would demand to watch these people die. I would want to see the life draining from their bodies for everything that they put me through with their greed and self-importance, but not anymore.

I haven’t forgiven them. I never will. I won’t forget either, but at the same time, I cannot dwell on the past. They are not my life anymore. Their world is not my own, just as Azar is no longer part of my life.

I have moved on. I have found the world where I belong. That doesn’t mean that they do not suffer the consequences of their actions. It doesn’t mean anything of that nature. But at the same time, I don’t have the need to watch them suffer anymore either.
