Page 19 of Seaside Bonds

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Splash was one of Maxi’s favorite restaurants because the outdoor patio area sat right on the beach. It wasn’t anything fancy, but who cared? The view was amazing, and even though the sun set behind them in the west, the ocean was still dazzling with the reflection of pinks, blues, and golds.

The menu was decent enough. She liked the appetizers, and you could get a good drink, like the gin and tonic she had sitting in front of her right now. After a stressful day, nothing soothed her more than listening to the ocean while she watched the seagulls darting around on the beach for scraps.

Even this late in the season and at this time of day, there were still some holdouts on the beach with their coolers and colorful umbrellas. Despite the cooler air, children rushed screeching into the waves farther down the beach.

She settled back in her seat and smiled at James. “Thanks so much for suggesting this. It’s just what I needed.”

He put his hand over hers. “I’m always happy to dine with my favorite girl. But I feel bad that the painting is giving you trouble. Is there anything I can do to help?”

Maxi shook her head. “I wish. It’s just that I can’t seem to capture the look in Goblin’s eyes. I am making some progress by practicing on the cats, but it’s impossible to get them to stay still enough.”

“Maybe I could hold them for you?” James suggested.

“What? No. You’re busy at work. I don’t want to bother you with it.” Maxi was warmed by his suggestion. The old James would never have offered to miss work, much less risk getting cat hair all over him.

“It’s no problem. I have some vacation days that I have to use anyway, and what better place than at the cottage on the beach with you and the cats.”

“Well, if you’re sure…” Maxi supposed it would help. She didn’t usually like painting in front of people, but James was different. And it would be nice to spend some time with him in the cottage.

“That settles it, then.” James pulled his hand away and picked up his beer, and she missed the warmth of his touch. “I’ll come tomorrow whenever you want and hold them.”

“Fancy meeting you here!” The familiar voice pulled Maxi’s gaze from her husband, and she looked over to see Andie and Shane standing at their table.

“I didn’t know you guys were coming here tonight.” Maxi gestured toward the extra chairs at the table. “Why don’t you join us?”

“Well, if you’re sure we’re not interrupting?” Andie’s gaze skipped from Maxi to James.

James stood and pulled out a chair for her. “Not at all, we’re always happy to eat with you guys.”

Kristi, the waitress, came over with four extra place settings.

“I don’t think we need all these,” Maxi said. “There’s only four of us, and James and I already have ours.”

Kristi jerked her head toward the front of the restaurant. “I just saw Claire and Rob come in, so I assumed they’d be joining you.”

Maxi craned her head in that direction. “Oh, there they are. Good thinking.” She motioned to Claire and Rob, and they cut through the crowd that was waiting to be seated.

They were all settled in and just about to order when Andie spotted Jane and Mike walking down the beach with Cooper.

“Oh, look! Let’s see if we can get them to join us.” Andie stood and yelled across the beach, catching their attention.

Jane and Mike came to the edge of the patio.

“I didn’t know we were having a couples’ night,” Jane said.

Maxi knew Jane was joking. Of course they wouldn’t have a couples’ night and leave Jane and Mike out. “We all ran into each other by accident. There’s plenty of chairs at the table. Can you guys join us?”

Luckily, the round tables outside on the patio were all very large, and since it was outdoors, dogs were allowed. Jane and Mike accepted the offer, and everyone settled in, ordering a round of drinks and appetizers.

“How funny that we all ended up here.” Shane raised his glass. “Here’s to impromptu dinners on the beach.”

“Might be one of the last ones.” Jane zipped up her hoodie. “It’s getting chilly at night.”

“We better make the most of it while we still have warm weather. But how did you get away, Jane?” Claire asked.

“Liz brought a bunch of tomatoes from the garden at her house, and Brenda is making a frittata with them tomorrow morning. She wanted to do some prep work tonight, so she said she’d watch the place. Liz is our only guest, and no one new is scheduled to check in, so it should be pretty easy.”
