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Chapter 30

It was Thursday evening and everything was on track for the Saturday market day and fair. As Holly walked back to her caravan, her thoughts turned to Val. That morning, she had held her hand at her hospital bedside. Val looked drawn and weak but there was a distant sparkle in her eyes.

Holly caught her breath in her throat. The doctors were hopeful that she would recover but said another stroke could not be discounted, so they would need to keep her in hospital for some time and she might have to go to a nursing home. She could not imagine Val in a nursing home and told Len that she would attend any meetings with him about her future care. Val had helped to look after her as a child and she would return the favour.

Holly felt as if everything had rushed up in fast forward. Jaz had assured her that the stalls for the fair were all in hand. Holly felt uneasy, not having control of that side of the project but she had to admit, she would not have been able to cope without Jaz and Julian’s help.

She went into the caravan and refilled the dog bowl with wet food. Trixy wagged her tail as she wolfed it down. Gazing out of the caravan window towards Booth Farmhouse, Holly wished she could run down there and apologise properly. She had texted Mitch straight after her outburst. Saying sorry for the way she had hit out at him with the words she had regretted every moment since. He had been gracious but said she obviously needed some space. That was not what she had wanted to hear. She wanted him to rush over, demand hugs, demand kisses. Demand she let him into her life. She wanted him more than ever.Why was I so cruel?Holly imagined how great it would be to shut the door with Mitch inside and leave all her troubles outside. Like they had done in Croyde.What’s wrong with me?she thought.

As she made a hot drink, she heard her mobile ding and her mood dropped further when she saw it was a text from Tom

I’m in the Eversley Arms. Can I come over to talk?

‘That’s all I need,’ Holly said aloud putting her head in her hands. She took a deep breath and tapped out a reply.

Not a good idea, is it? Considering the court case?

The phone dinged again.

Maybe it can go away.

‘I don’t believe this.’

Trixy barked as Holly tapped out a reply.

Speak to Dawkins and Co. Good night.

Holly brushed her teeth and changed into her nightwear. Falling into a deep sleep, she dreamed of Tom and Grace. They were picking through her caravan, stealing the few possessions she had accumulated. Grace picked up a shell that Mitch had found for Holly on Croyde beach. ‘I think I’ll have that,’ Tom said. ‘No,’ Holly cried out in her sleep. She heard Tom calling her name, ‘Holly, Holly, Holly.’

Holly woke with a start, sweat covered her body and her hair stuck to her face.

‘Holly, Holly.’ Someone was rapping at the door. She could hear Tom’s voice. ‘I know you’re in there.’

Trixy growled.

‘You’re joking.’ Holly stomped to the door. She wrapped her arms around herself and shouted through the glass. ‘Go away.’

‘But we’ve got to talk. I’ve made a mistake. It’s wrong, all wrong.’

Holly paused.Is he really going to drop the case?Taking Trixy she put her in the bedroom, she did not want Tom suing her for a dog bite on top of the divorce. She opened the door.

Tom walked in. ‘Thanks, babe.’

‘I don’t think you should be calling me babe. And you stink of lager.’ Holly’s mouth felt dry. ‘I’ll put the kettle on and I’m going to change.’ She remembered her dream. ‘And don’t touch anything.’

After putting the water on to boil Holly opened the bedroom door carefully, in case Trixy got out. Trixy jumped up and she petted her. ‘Stay on the bed, girl – he’ll be gone soon.’ She pulled on jeans and returned to the main part of the caravan as the kettle clicked off.

‘You’ve made it really homely in here, Holly. You make everything seem like home.’

Holly shook her head as she made Tom a strong black coffee. She placed his cup on the table.

Tom sat down and put his head in his hands. ‘I miss you.’

‘Miss me? What are you on about?’

‘Exactly that, babe. I’ve been such a dick, running around with Grace like that. It was a midlife crisis. She’s young enough to be –’

‘The child you don’t want?’ Holly shook her head.
