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‘I heard they haven’t sold Booth Farm. They’re going to keep it on.’

Holly switched the kettle on.

‘I heard from Greg that Mitch might be coming over. They’re going to do some recruitment and introduce that box scheme.’ Jaz leaned on the worktop.

Holly took a couple of mugs out of the cupboard.

‘And I assume they’re carrying on with the farmers’ market?’

‘Yes, I’m in contact with his mum about that. She’s really nice. I’d love to meet her. She’s the business mind while Mitch’s dad, is the technical guy, knows all about the sheep.’

‘Does she mention Mitch?’

‘She said he’s been tied up with the lambing while they were off travelling.’

‘So, she didn’t mention if he was seeing anyone?’

Holly turned around. ‘Of course not. Why would she? It’s business correspondence, not pub talk.’ Holly poured the hot water into the mugs over the tea bags.

‘So, have you spoken to Mitch at all?’

‘Jaz, if there was any Mitch contact, you’d be the first to know. I’m not keeping anything from you.’ Holly put the soggy tea bags into her compost caddy.

Jaz took the milk out of the fridge and poured some into each cup. ‘You may not have kept any facts from my attention but you defo avoid talking about him. I feel like you’re fobbing me off if I mention the farm or his name.’

‘That’s because I don’t really like talking about him. I spend so much of my day being reminded of him,’ she said nodding at Trixy. ‘I’m constantly pushing thoughts of him out of my head. It’s automatic for me to change the subject.’

‘Hun. I’m sorry, I didn’t realise it was still that raw.’

‘I guess I feel like I ruined it. That I pushed him away. If I had my time again …’

‘It’s not worth having regrets, chick. I mean he had loads of baggage – having lost his wife and all. It wasn’t all your doing.’

‘Maybe the timing was wrong. Although he could have made contact since and he hasn’t. He could have messaged me instead of getting his mum to talk to me about the farmers’ market.’

‘He might think you don’t want him to. Have you messaged him?’

‘Not since I invited him to the nursery opening and he sent me back that short reply, saying he was too busy.’ Holly took a sip of her tea then put it down. ‘Anyway, today is a big day and I want it to be a happy one. I don’t want to dwell on my non-existent love life, or Mitchell Booth. Today is a new beginning.’

‘I’ll drink to that.’ Jaz tapped her mug against Holly’s then took a sip of tea. ‘You know what? I think I’m even more excited than I was for the fair last year, and that takes some beating.’

‘Me too. There isn’t a tonne of stress looming over my head like there was last summer.’

‘That’s true. Let’s have the best day ever. Come on, chick. Get out of them PJ’s. We’ve got work to do.’

Holly and Jazboth wore the new Eversley Hub uniform, consisting of black top, purple fleece and khaki cargos. Trixy had a new dog coat displaying the hub emblem. A crowd was already growing in the car park, ready to walk in as soon as the gate was opened. Holly’s nerves were kicking in. The local press had also arrived. She was pleased she had chosen a Saturday as there were many families there. Children always brought a sense of excitement.

‘Pressure,’ Holly said.

‘Nonsense, hun. They’re gonna love it.’

Trixy jumped up and down, Holly guessed she was picking up her nervous energy.

Holly opened the gate. As each person passed they handed them a leaflet explaining the hub, including a new map of the nursery and all of the activities on display that day. There was an insert with a list of future bookable activities and events.

Once the first batch of customers passed, Jaz squeezed Holly’s arm. ‘You get inside, I’ll do the meet and greet and text you when the Mayor arrives.’

Holly followed the stream of people towards the nursery, but stopped when she heard Jaz call her. Trixy also stopped, sniffing at the air.
