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‘Holly. Hun?’ Jaz’s voice held a sense of urgency.

Holly turned, seeing Jaz staring at her, with eyebrows raised, pointing at the car park.

Holly recognised his walk first, the long strides. It was Mitch. Her heart thumped. Without thinking, she walked towards him. He was still some distance away when he spotted her and waved. Holly quickened her step and waved back. Mitch sped up, she started jogging, grinning as Trixy overtook her. As they neared each other, they both ran the last few paces. Mitch picked her up, swinging her around, with Trixy yapping in excitement. Holly tightened her arms around him and he lowered her to the ground, leaning back so she could see his face.

He laughed. ’I thought you’d turn me away.’

Holly blushed, moving her hair away from her eyes. ‘I need all the customers I can get.’

Mitch pulled her close. ‘I’ve missed you.’

Trixy jumped up at their legs, yapping in a high-pitched bark.

Mitch bent down and picked the little dog up. ‘I missed you, too.’ Trixy licked his face as he pulled her away. ‘Woah, I’m sure you’ve put a stone on.’

‘She’s on a diet.’

‘Of what? Sausages? She looks like a fattened lamb.’

Holly laughed, feeling the long-missed warmth from his presence.

Mitch returned Trixy to the ground. ‘Well then, Holly Loveland, are you going to show me around?’ He put his hand out and Holly held onto it, his touch sending tingles all over her body.

‘So, are you here to check over the farm?’

‘There’s business to do over there, but that’s not the reason I’m here.’

Holly felt Mitch squeeze her hand and she stopped. Facing him, she glanced up.

Stroking her face, his eyes met hers, questioning. She laid her hands on his chest and his warm mouth was soon upon hers. Aware of people walking past, she ignored them, not wanting the kiss to stop. A tender kiss that told her the reason Mitch was back in Somerset.

Mitch pulled away; his smile wide.

Holly blinked rapidly. ‘I’m sorry that I –’

‘Hey, there’s plenty of time to talk. Show me this place you’ve created.’ Mitch put his arm around her shoulders.

Jaz grinned at them when they reached the gate. ‘Well, hello stranger. I won’t ask you what brings you back to the village.’ She winked at Holly. ‘Here’s a leaflet, sir. I’m sure your guide will show you all the interesting places.’

Mitch laughed. ‘Thanks, Jaz. Great to see you again.’

Holly pulled Mitch up the path, as Trixy circled them. ‘Trixy, heel. Please, heel.’ Holly shook her head. ‘She’s not been like this for months.’

‘That’s obviously my fault then.’

‘Absolutely.’ Holly pointed towards the nursery. ‘Here’s the new building.’

‘I hardly recognise it.’

‘The café is in the new extension with a conservatory out back with extra seating. And along there.’ Holly pointed. ‘We’ve rendered the wall, where the artwork for sale is displayed.’

Holly led him into the buzzing café and smiled as he studied the array of paintings, tapestries and a couple of metal sculptures on shelves.

‘Wow, there are some great pieces here. I take it it’s not all your work?’

‘No, I’ve sold most of mine already. The dragon is hanging up in a Chinese restaurant.’

