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‘The café and nursery have been up and running for a couple of months now. It’s just the arts hub that’s being opened today.’

‘It looks like the café is proving popular.’

Holly nodded and watched the queue of people waiting to order drinks and cakes as Anne, and her new assistant, Koby, worked hard.

‘Come this way.’ Holly led Mitch through the café and into the main nursery building. She loved the earthy aroma, which always smelled like home to her.

‘This is huge,’ Mitch said looking around.

‘Yes, there’s a lot more space since the café has been moved. We’ve a greater variety of seeds, tools, house plants and indoor ornaments.’ She pointed to the doors. ‘Outside we’ve got our compost bags, outdoor plants, trees, the sheds and garden furniture.’

‘You’ve not extended the footprint that much, but it seems much bigger with the extension and conservatory. I can see lots of people wanting to come over.’

‘What time is it?’

Mitch looked at his mobile phone. ‘Eleven forty-five.’

Holly glanced behind her; she could see Jaz bringing the Mayor over. ‘Great, she’s here. I need to gather everyone at the old barn. Or should I say the arts hub.’ Holly felt a lump come into her throat.Hold it together,she told herself. ‘I need to get everyone to congregate by the opening.’

‘Right-o, I’ll round them up like sheep,’ Mitch said as Trixy trotted behind him.

The Mayor approached, wearing her full paraphernalia. ‘Thanks so much for inviting me.’

Holly smiled. ‘Thanks for coming. I know how busy you are.’

‘What a great turn out you have. It could be well over a hundred.’

‘All the leaflets are gone, so it’s probably nearer three,’ Jaz said.

Standingon a platform that Joe had erected in front of the old barn, Holly tapped the microphone. She blinked every time the local press snapped a photo of her. The Mayor stood, at the barn door where Holly had earlier tied a yellow ribbon across its handles.

‘One-two-three testing,’ Holly said into the microphone as she looked into the crowd where she saw her staff amongst the sea of faces, including Anne’s husband, who had Charlie the goat on a lead. Nina and Ethan, both wearing sunglasses, smiled up at her. Local business people had come along too, including Jim Kelly from the auction house. Many of her regulars had turned up with their kids clutching the free art-themed goody bags which Anne and Koby had handed out at the café. David Bunning and a few of the other councillors had arrived and Trudy was there representing the Art’s Council. Ed, one of the farmers from the market, had brought his young family. Holly also beamed at Ruth, her aunt from Oldham who had popped over. She was staying at a cottage in Cheddar. Magda, Sid’s carer was there too with her new client, who she brought to the café at least once a week. And her eyes found Len, pushing through the crowd to the front with Val in her wheelchair. They beamed at Holly as soon as they were in position.Don’t cry,she told herself. Jaz stood to the left of Val with one hand on her shoulder, giving Holly the thumbs up as Julian stood next to her with Noah on his shoulders. And finally, her eyes rested on Mitch, wrestling to keep an excited Trixy under control.

‘Come on,’ Jaz shouted. ‘Out with it.’

Holly laughed and snapped out of her reflective moment putting her business head back on. ‘Thank you all for coming here today. I won’t keep you long but I want to give some thanks before we let you in.’ She swallowed, her mouth felt dry. ‘I’d like to thank the Art’s Council and the members of Wells City Council for their financial support. Without that, my vision would not have become a reality.’

Holly stepped back and clapped.

The crowd followed, accompanied by a few whoops.

She stepped forward to the mic again. ‘There are also numerous people here to thank. Ethan for helping me with the plans and Nina with the promotion. My faithful staff and friends who stuck with me after the fire. All the villagers who came to the fair and continued to use our facilities, even when we were serving teas out of a shed, so that I could keep the business afloat. Julian, for being the big brother I never had. And Jaz, the best friend in the whole world, who keeps me sane. And I’m so pleased to be able to thank Mitchell Booth today. As the village grapevine knows there’s been an historic feud between our families.’

Someone wolf whistled and the audience laughed.

‘But Mitch literally saved my life when I was trapped in my burning cottage by calling the emergency services. And he gave me somewhere to live.’ Holly pointed over the crowd towards the caravan. ‘Without him, I may not even be standing here today. He’s taught me what really matters.’ Holly felt a lump appear in her throat. She didn’t want this crumbling into a tearful Oscar-style speech so she stepped back and started clapping, which soon turned into group applause.

The photographer burst out a few more shots. She stood tall and beamed before returning to the mic. ‘And finally, I’d like to thank the Mayor for accepting my invitation to open this event.’

Holly removed the microphone from its stand and stepped down the podium towards the Mayor as the crowd clapped.

The Mayor took the microphone. ‘I’m honoured to support this project. Thank you, Holly, for improving the facilities of Eversley and providing this inspirational arts hub for Somerset. I now declare Holly’s Hub open.’ She cut the ribbon.

Holly smiled.Holly’s Hub?It was actually called Eversley Arts Hub. She had named it after the village due to the help and support received from the locals. But as the doors opened and people streamed in, she guessed they would be calling it Holly’s Hub for some time to come.

Holly watched as the visitors filed in. The artists were already at their work stations, showing their craft-making skills in practice, hoping to take bookings for their workshops. As Holly leaned on the door frame, she felt Mitch behind her snaking his arms around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder, with his mouth next to her ear.

‘Congratulations, Holly Loveland,’ he whispered.
