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‘Just tell them. They won’t sack you, you’re their shining star.’

‘I don’t want to let them down, hun.’

‘You’re not letting anyone down. You know what you do best. And so do they.’

Jaz took another sip of wine and ran a hand over her kitchen worktop. ‘Sean told me sales were down at our showroom this week. Paul’s going ballistic at the lads.’

‘So, he’ll jump at the chance of getting you back.’

Jaz shrugged her shoulders and took another gulp of wine. ‘I’m supposed to be in Belfast next week.’

‘Why so far?’

‘That’s where they need extra sales.’

‘Can’t they do it via video call?’

‘That’s not their style. But enough of me. What’s been going on with you?’

Holly told Jaz what had happened with Tom and the solicitor.

‘That’s settled then. You need me here, chick. To help get your new life sorted and protect you from that snake. I’m staying put. I’ll call the CEO on Monday.’

‘No Jaz, that’s precisely why I didn’t tell you on the phone. I don’t want to affect your decisions. Your career is important. You want to make that million, remember? And I’ve started to get things in motion now at the nursery.’

‘Take me to Eversley. You can show me these plans. I can have a sleepover in your caravan and I’ll worry about my life later.’

They were soon sittingat their favourite table situated by a large window in the Eversley Arms, drinking cider.

‘Just like old times, except the cider isn’t warm,’ Holly laughed.

‘Yeah, it tastes much better these days. Lovely over ice.’ Jaz sipped hers. ‘Especially this blackcurrant and pear.’

‘A bit like that snake-bite and black you used to knock back.’

Julian strolled over. ‘Nice to see you both in here. I’ve got a special on steaks today, if you want one?’

‘We’re eating later.’ Jaz sipped her drink.

‘I’ve only got salad back at the caravan,’ Holly said. ‘So I might take you up on the offer. I’m sure Jaz will, too.’ She winked at Jaz. ‘Once she’s warmed up.’

‘You won’t be disappointed. We’ve a few sauces to choose from.’ Julian smiled and went to the next table to pick up an empty glass before he returned to the bar.

‘Stop winking at me,’ Jaz hissed. ‘Anyway, you told me about the farmers’ market on the way over, but do you still have a crush on Mitch?’

‘Keep your voice down.’ Holly frowned and looked about her to see if anyone was listening. The slightest sniff of anything interesting, and it’d be twisted and churned and recycled until the village would be reporting that she split with Tom because she was having an affair with Mitch.

Jaz leaned forward. ‘So, are you going to make a move or what?’

‘No. He hasn’t indicated he’s interested. He probably needs time. Anyway, Ethan seems to be carrying on like we’re an item. I need to see what’s happening there.’

‘Hun, I go away for a couple of weeks and come back to find you in a full-on love triangle.’

‘No, it’s not. Ethan’s just got the wrong idea and Mitch isn’t interested. He’s very brotherly-like.’

‘I doubt that, chick.’

‘I think you need to concentrate on your own love life, Jaz. It’s alright going from pillar to post, but one day you’ll want to settle down. You haven’t had a serious boyfriend for years.’ Holly glanced at the bar then back at Jaz. ‘Why don’t you give Julian a shot?’
