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‘Yes.’ Holly plonked herself on a bar stool and put her head in her hands. ‘We had such a great time yesterday evening. It made me realise – me and Ethan, it’s never going to be anything more than friends. No spark. Nothing romantic at all.’

‘There’s a spark with Mitch then?’

Holly nodded. ‘A big one.’

Jaz touched her arm. ‘Sounds like you’ve got it bad. Did you and Mitch have a kiss or something?’

‘No, just a dance. But I was so relaxed and happy, even though I’ve got all this rubbish going on. We chatted about anything and everything and he listened as if he genuinely believed in me.’

‘We all believe in you, hun.’

‘He doesn’t pooh-pooh everything like Tom does. Or should I say did.’

‘Tom’s a prized plonker – we all know that.’

‘I feel such an idiot, I practically ran down the hill to the farm. I was going to ask him over for dinner and see if he …’

‘Made a move on you?’

Holly hesitated. ‘Well, yes. And then Nina was standing there in lingerie.’

‘You are joking me?’

‘No. A nightdress. Unbelievable.’

‘She’s a fast mover that one. What did Mitch say?’

‘Nothing, he just stood there with his mouth open.’

‘I’m not surprised, hun. You caught him out.’

‘Hardly. He was expecting me. I was taking Trixy back after having her for the afternoon.’

‘Maybe he thought you weren’t interested, chick. Some blokes need you to practically jump their bones to get the message.’

‘I think he’s getting the message from Nina.’

Julian walked over. ‘What’s up?’ He glanced at Holly then to Jaz. When neither replied he said, ‘You two look like you need a stiff one. It’s on the house, what can I get you?’

Holly smiled into his kindly face. ‘Something strong.’

Julian turned away, grabbing a cocktail shaker and added measures to it from various bottles.

‘So, it’s definitely a no-no with Ethan?’ Jaz asked.

‘He’s too overbearing and way too preened. Did you know he even shaves his …’

‘Balls,’ Jaz said, looking over Holly’s shoulder.

‘Probably.’ Holly laughed until she noticed the serious expression on Jaz’s face.

‘Keep calm.’ Jaz put a hand on her arm. Not tenderly, firmly – as if to restrain her.

Then Holly turned and saw them – Tom and Grace standing in the doorway, hand in hand as if they had been beamed in from Stepford.

Julian turned around. ‘Two Passionfruit Martinis.’ He placed two shot glasses of Prosecco and two full cocktail glasses with half a passion fruit floating in each, on the bar.

‘I’m getting out of here.’ Holly stood up.
