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Julian’s face dropped as he saw Tom and Grace. He called out to them. ‘Maybe you two would like to take a seat outside? I’ll come and take your order. Will you be eating?’ Julian swiftly went to the door, picking up a couple of menus before he ushered them outside.

Holly plonked herself on the stool, downing the cocktail and chaser.

‘Good move,’ Jaz said, picking up the shot glass.

‘Lord forgive me.’ Holly stood up.

Jaz put out her hand. ‘No. He’s not worth it.’

Holly turned and stormed out of the pub, passing Julian on his way back inside. She watched Tom guide Grace onto a bench seat at a wooden table. Holly stopped and crossed her arms. ‘So, this is why you want my money is it? So, you can wine and dine your mistress?’

‘Don’t make a scene.’ Tom ran a hand through his hair.

‘A scene? Why not? Because you don’t want everyone to know that you’re trying to take away what little I have left?’ Holly pointed to her chest with her thumb. ‘My land. Which has been in my family forever.’ Holly pointed to Tom. ‘You lived off me for nearly two years and now you’re parading your new little girl-friend around my home village?’ Holly pointed to Grace.

‘Excuse me,’ Grace said. ‘It wasn’t my fault. Your relationship was over long before Tommy met me.’

‘So that’s what he told you is it?’ Holly put her hands on her hips.

‘Yes. And to be honest.’ Grace’s eyes scanned Holly, up and down. ‘You’re exactly as Tommy described you.’

Holly held up her hands. ‘Oh, p-lease.’ She felt a rage like never before, welling up inside. She knew she had to get away. She could hear Jaz behind her.

‘Leave it, Tom,’ Jaz said, as he took a step towards Holly.

‘She’s the one on the attack, showing herself up.’ Tom pointed to the people watching. Various tables of customers quickly returned to their pints, restarting conversations.

Jaz turned to Grace. ‘You’ll find out soon enough kiddo – what this snaky creep is really like.’

Holly trembled.Walk away. Walk away,an inner voice repeated in her head – so she did.

Holly imagined everyone watching as she stomped across the green. She heard Jaz behind her panting and calling her name. Turning, she waited for Jaz to catch up, watching as she sunk a stiletto heel into the grass with every step. Jaz turned back to the pub waving her mobile phone at Julian, who stood in the doorway.

When she reached Holly, she held her hand. ‘I hate seeing you like this, hun. It’s not you. Me? Yeah, I’m really gobby, but not you. Not Holly Loveland.’

‘I’m going crazy, Jaz. I can’t do this. I can’t think straight.’ Holly felt her eyes stream and her nose run. She had neither hankie nor tissue with her. She wiped her face on the back of her hand. ‘I can’t do relationships. I can’t fight a divorce. I can’t do the rebuild, or the market. I can’t do any of it.’ She looked up to the red sun as it clipped the hills. ‘I’ll just sell up and leave. I want this all to go away.’ She felt Jaz’s arms around her. ‘And the solicitor told me I mustn’t speak to Tom. Now I’ve made everything a whole lot worse. He’s probably collecting witness statements.’

They walked the path back to the caravan, arm in arm and in silence.

Once inside, Jaz made tea.

Holly sat on the soft seating, playing with a sheet of Kitchen paper she had used to wipe her eyes. Her head thumped in time with her heartbeat. ‘I’ve got to take time out somehow. But, how? With all this going on?’

‘This place, hun, with the fire. It’s in your face the whole time.’ Jaz put a hand on Holly’s arm. ‘Maybe you should consider selling. But don’t give a penny to Tom. We could go away. Make a new life, in a new town. Whatever you want to do. Thelma and Louise – I’ll be there.’

Holly sipped her tea. ‘No, I’m not running away. I’m not letting him win. He can’t push me out of my home. But I can’t deal with Ethan and I can’t deal with Mitch. I know they want to help and they’re both nice guys.’ She gestured in the direction of the farm. ‘Mitch is entitled to have a girlfriend after what he’s been through. I’ve never told him I like him in that way, so I can’t blame him. I’ve just got to sort this mess on my own, without distractions.’ She reached for her mobile.

‘What are you gonna do, hun? Don’t you think you ought to sleep on it?’

Holly shook her head and rang Ethan’s number.

‘Hi, babe. Wanna meet up?’ he said as he answered.

She bit her lip. ‘No, Ethan. I’ve called to say I’ve got so much going on. I need to clarify; we should keep things as friends only.’

‘I’m happy to take things slow. You can have as much time as you need.’

‘What I need is space. I can’t have a relationship. It wouldn’t be fair on you. You’re a great mate, always were. I don’t want to spoil everything.’ Her voice broke.
