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Holly stared up into thecloudless June skyand felt the warmth of the sun on the back of her head. She was pleased to see the fence around the ruins was near completion, it was made of thick chipboard and masked the view of the burned buildings. It also served a purpose to stop any debris blowing over to the area she intended to trade from. Holly had asked for strategically placed Perspex windows, to allow nosey customers and villagers a view of what was going on, with some placed lower down for the children to peer through. While Mitch had pointed out that people love to see a disaster, she thought it might also attract sympathy and encourage visitors to spend big. She had seen a few people so far nosing at the ruins and had to ask them to leave due to health and safety reasons. She had told them to come back for the nursery opening.

Trixy stopped to sniff something and Holly called her to heel. Holly’s stomach rumbled as she headed for the caravan, so she decided to make a quick sandwich before preparing for her staff meeting. As she approached, she spotted Val ambling along the drive and Holly frowned, watching her stop to rub her hip.

Running over with Trixy scampering beside her, she took Val’s arm. ‘Lean on me, you should have called for me to collect you.’

‘Nonsense. I need the exercise.’

‘But you’re limping.’

‘Ruddy hip. Len keeps telling me to get to the doctor but I hate them places.’

‘You might be doing yourself an injury. Book yourself in for a health check, please?’

‘Ruddy people poking at me. No thanks.’

Holly stopped. ‘I’m taking you myself. Next week, no excuses. I’ll make an appointment.’

Val grumbled but Holly noticed her wincing. She felt terrible. She had not seen Val as much as usual, only once a week with her washing.I must make more of an effort,she told herself as she squeezed Val’s arm.

Once they reached the caravan, Holly helped Val up the steps.

‘Alright, love, I’m no invalid. Not yet anyways.’ Although it was clear to Holly, that Val would not have been able to get up the steps without her assistance.

‘I’ll make you some tea.’ Holly filled the kettle.

‘I’ve bread pudding in me bag.’ Val rummaged in her shopping bag, pulling out a large foil wrapped slab. ‘I should get back to proper baking. Something a bit more adventurous than adding fruit and spice to soggy bread. But I can’t stand and mix like I used to.’ Val plonked the pudding on the table. ‘How’s you been, lovey?’

‘Fine. Clear-headed, considering the aggro going on with Tom.’

‘You know I never approved of his ways. But to stoop so low. Your mum and dad would have gone mad.’

‘I know. But the solicitor’s fending him off. I told you, didn’t I? He’s still got my money in his bank account?’ Holly set out five cups, she expected the rest of the staff to arrive shortly.

‘Yes, you did, love, and it’s taken all me energy not to send one of the boys over to that Bunnings place, to thrash it out of him.’

Holly laughed. ‘No, Val, that wouldn’t be appropriate. And I’ve already told you and Jaz, even though the solicitor told me not to repeat it to anyone, so you mustn’t tell the gossips.’

‘You know me. I listens, but I don’t spread.’

Holly ate a sandwich. She had also made one for Val, but Val only picked at hers. There was a rap at the door and in filed Joe, Julie and Anne. Trixy jumped up, but one word from Holly and she soon settled back down in her bed.

Joe pointed to the little dog. ‘You’ve certainly got a way with her. Nothing like the yappy, jumping scrap she was a couple of weeks ago.’

‘I know,’ Holly said. ‘I’ll be upset when she goes home.’ Life had been much sweeter with Trixy in the caravan.

Once tea had been made and Holly had dished out the bread pudding, she made a start on the staff meeting. ‘Thanks so much for your help with sorting out the stock, you’ve been so patient.’

Julie smiled. ‘We’re only doing our jobs. Don't forget you pay us to do this.’

‘Well, you’ve not exactly been working to your usual job descriptions.’

‘We don’t have job descriptions,’ Anne said.

Holly laughed. ‘True.’

‘This is real cosy,’ Julie said smiling. ‘I loves it in here, I do.’

‘Don’t get too comfortable,’ Joe said. ‘There’s work to be done.’
