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Holly laughed. ‘So, the boundary fence is up and Joe and myself will put up two large huts. The new stock is being kept in the old barn for now. That will be transformed into the art barn, once the main nursery building has been finished.’

‘What’s going in them huts?’ Val asked.

Holly smiled and turned to her. ‘One will be the snack shack, where hot drinks and cakes will be on offer. I’ve bought a couple of massive urns which we’ll fill.’

‘I can bake some cakes, if I get Len to help me with getting them in and out of me oven.’

‘Just focus on being comfortable.’ Holly wagged a finger at Val.

‘Well I can come sell other cakes, if I don’t manage to make any.’ Val sipped the last dregs of her tea.

Holly raised her eyebrows. ‘Well, we’ll see what the doc says about your hip first.’

Val pulled a face.

‘I can come over to your place and make the cakes with you. I can be your apprentice.’ Anne smiled at Val.

Val opened her mouth to speak, but Holly got in first. ‘Great idea, Anne.’

Val’s brow furrowed but she nodded in agreement.

Holly pointed out of the window. ‘The second hut is where customers will pay for nursery purchases, such as plants, ornaments and the pots we’ve filled. And I’ll have a display in there, about the hub and the farmer’s market.’

‘Sounds like you’ve got everything organised, as per usual,’ Julie said.

Holly nodded. ‘I hope it’s going to run smoothly. So Anne, can you cover the snack shack? And Julie cover the sales hut? Then I’ll do general selling and answering questions. My usual role.’

The women nodded.

‘Then Joe can keep the stock flowing to and from the old barn.’

‘Sounds like a plan.’ Joe picked up the last crumbs of his bread pudding and popped them into his mouth.

Holly lifted a leaflet. ‘I designed this.’

Julie held out her hand. ‘Let’s see?’

Holly handed them all a copy. ‘I’ve had one thousand printed and I’m going to do a drop around the village this afternoon and the Eversley Burrows estate tomorrow. I’ve left a load at the school to be sent home in the kids’ bags and I’ve paid for an additional batch to be printed and inserted in the Gazette. As you know, that covers a ten-mile radius.’ Holly sat back in her seat. ‘Hopefully, word will reach our regulars. If you think you can distribute any, then let me know and I’ll get you a batch.’

‘Len could take some to his bowls club,’ Val said.

‘That’s a great idea,’ Anne added.

‘And I’ve updated our website, adding links to social media, which I’ve set up nursery pages for.’ Holly had avoided social media up until this point, but realised it was an essential marketing tool. She needed to get word out that Lovelands would soon be back in business, and would need to promote the hub and the farmers’ market. ‘It’s all been a bit time-consuming, but it’s given me something to do at night.’ There followed a silence. Holly felt as if they were suddenly focussing their minds on her personal life.

Julie broke the silence. ‘Heard anything from Mitch? Ouch!’

Holly guess Anne had kicked Julie under the table.

‘What about the play area and animals?’ Anne asked quickly.

‘That’s passed the health and safety checks.’ Joe pointed in the direction of the petting area. ‘As you can see, I’ve given it a good lick of paint and wood preserver.’

‘We have the latest crop of rabbits, we can sell some of those and deliver them once they’re ready to leave their mother,’ Anne said.

‘Fab,’ Holly said. ‘I’ve been in touch with the coach tour companies. They’re a bit hesitant, what with the place being in ruins. But a couple of the owners will be popping by to suss it out. I said I’d give a talk about Lovelands’ history and explain what the future plans were. They said they may put us back on their route. Apparently, their customers are not keen on the big chain nurseries they’ve been stopping at, they said it was like going to the supermarket.’ Holly smiled; these were all positive steps forward. She picked up the pile of leaflets ‘When we reopen on Monday, I’ll have different leaflets printed showing details of the farmers’ market.’

‘Will Mitch be back for Monday?’ Joe asked.
