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‘Don’t forget there’s also the competition piece, which I should be getting back soon.’

‘I’ll let you know when I’ve finished the next one.’ Trixy was immediately at her heel and they both trotted out of the house and she was half-way back to the nursery in the van, before she realised that she was supposed to be dropping Trixy off.

‘Oh well, one more sleep over,’ she said to the dog.

Back at the caravan, Holly filled a bowl with food for Trixy. She still had a supply in her cupboard. She sent a text to Mitch, apologising. He replied, suggesting she return Trixy the next time they met – adding that he looked forward to it. Was that looking forward to having Trixy back? Or looking forward to seeing her? Holly’s thoughts were interrupted as her mobile rang – it was an unknown caller. She hesitated, then answered.


‘Hi, it’s me.’

Oh no, not Tom,she thought.

‘It’s Tom,’ he said when she remained silent.

‘Yes, I know who it is. What do you want?’

‘I want us to come to an agreement. It’s not going to be nice you know, going to court.’

‘My solicitor has advised me not to discuss the situation with you.’

‘Of course she has, Holly. She’s fleecing you with over the top fees. I’ve heard she’s a right rip-off.’

‘The fees don’t bother me, seeing as I’m suing you for the costs. You’re the one that should drop it.’

‘You won’t win. They know that. Your woman’s always on the phone begging my man not to go to court. She’s not up to the job, Holly. You’d be much better off settling. I still care about you, you know. I don't want to see you hurt. Can’t we sort this out and move on?’

Holly took a deep breath and counted to ten, remaining silent.

‘Okay then – have it your way.’

Holly felt as if her blood was boiling. ‘You’re wasting your time, Tom.’

‘I’m only thinking of you. Things get out of hand with solicitors, why don’t we meet up, you and me alone and try and sort this thing out?’

‘As I said – I was advised not to discuss it with you.’

‘Don’t get too deep into those plans of yours.’ Tom hung up.

Holly bit her lip, she hated that Tom might be asking around and snooping on her. But he was right, she felt uncomfortable investing in the business with this separation hanging over her head. The farmers’ market and fair were to take place in under two weeks, everything was happening at once. She sat at her small dining table and put her head in her hands. Holly had too much to contend with. Her mobile phone rang and she jumped. It was Jill.

‘I’m afraid Tom’s solicitor hasn’t backed off,’ Jill said after the usual pleasantries.

‘Yes, I know, Tom said.’

‘Oh, he’s been on to you, has he?’

‘Yes, telling me I’ll get torn to shreds if it goes to court.’

‘That’s good.’

‘How’s that good?’

‘If they were confident – they wouldn’t bother to wind you up.’

‘I’ve got so much going on, I don’t think I can do this. Maybe I should go to the bank and see if I can raise some money to settle with him.’

‘I told you from the outset, they’re a bunch of cowboys. Hang tight. Trust me, it won’t go to court.’

Holly placed her phone on the table after ending the call. Trixy jumped onto her lap and she stroked her, finding it comforting. She watched Joe through the window as he worked on one of the new large sheds. She could see Anne in the snack shack, serving a queue of people. Julie was handing over change to a customer who was paying for a pot. Holly realised she would have to stand her ground with Tom. But dread filled her veins. She asked herself,Am I going to lose everything?
