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Chapter 26

Mitch walked up to the farmhouse from the sheds. He had been up since five and was on his way back for a late breakfast, which his mother was preparing. He felt hungover after drinking too much wine at the wake, after the reverend had discretely mentioned that Holly had been distressed when she had discovered the location of Sid’s grave.Mitch blamed himself as he had not managed to discuss the matter with Holly beforehand, although he had tried.

When they’d first met, he thought there was a definite attraction between them. There certainly was from his point of view but she seemed to be in a relationship with that flash Ethan. But then she seemed angry when Nina had invited herself over. After that, he thought maybe Holly was interested – he had even been about to move in with a kiss at one point. And now this had thrown a spanner in the works.Would they ever have a chance to get to know one another without something getting in the way?Probably not,he thought. Of course, he should have warned her about the burial. But at every attempt he made to discuss family, Holly had a habit of shutting him down. Although, he had to admit, part of him had not pressed the issue, worried Holly would have put a stop to it. Sid would never have forgiven him if he had not fulfilled his wish of being buried beside Ivy.

Ascending the sloping land with his dog yapping by his side, Mitch realised he missed his walks with Trixy, although he felt guilty taking her back as Holly’s face lit up whenever Trixy was around her. He felt, in some way, that it was him making her smile – the one putting the light there. He looked up at the sound of an engine and saw Holly driving her van. She caught his eye and he put his hand up, but she shook her head and drove off.

Mitch stared after the van as it rounded the corner.Is there another crisis?Is that why she didn’t stop? Or was she shaking her head to say she never wanted to speak to him again? What he really needed was to have a heart to heart with her. To go somewhere quiet, have a proper talk. Get it all out without the distractions. He had nothing to lose. Taking his mobile phone out of his pocket, Mitch located Holly’s number and sat down on a large rock, to compose a text as Trixy sniffed around the grass.

Saw you drive by – hope everything is okay. I have a meeting in Ilfracombe tomorrow morning with a fishmonger interested in the farmers’ market. Can you come? We can chat on way x

Standing up, he took a deep breath.The ball’s in her court now,he thought.

Holly had pickedup Len so they could be at the hospital for ten. Len chattered away about his bowls club and the weather on the journey. After parking up, they walked to the ward as fast as Len could manage.

Holly went up to the ward desk. ‘We’re here for Valerie Bloom.’

‘Ah yes. She’s just been taken down for a scan.’

Holly frowned. ‘Why? I thought the operation went well.’

‘It did, but they need to check that she had the fall due to the hip and no other complication.’

Len wrung his hands. Holly saw the fear in his eyes as they were ushered to the waiting area. Holly took her mobile phone out of her pocket. She had heard a text come through earlier when she was driving. Seeing it was from Mitch, she opened it.

Saw you drive by – hope everything is okay. I have a meeting in Ilfracombe tomorrow morning with a fish monger interested in the farmers’ market. Can you come? We can chat on way x

She texted back:

Val in hospital. Had hip op and they are doing tests. Not sure what’s going on.

She sat back in the chair anticipating another long wait.

After forty minutes the nurse approached them. ‘She’s back on the ward now if you want to see her, but she’s quite tired.’

They followed the nurse to Val’s bed. A multitude of leads ran from Val to various bedside machines, which were bleeping. Val appeared frail but managed a smile when she saw them approach.

‘Holly,’ she whispered. She looked tired.

Holly sat on the edge of the bed, leaving Len to sit in the visitors’ chair. She took her hand. ‘Are you okay?’

‘Awful night, can’t get any sleep with all the noise and some poor beggar was moaning half the night. But I’m still here,’ she said giving a weak smile.

Holly was struck by how serene Val seemed – compared to her usual brusque self.

A buzzer sounded on the equipment and Val shut her eyes.

‘Val, are you okay?’ Holly said, as a nurse approached.

The nurse put a hand on Holly’s shoulder. ‘It’s an alarm to tell me to check the blood pressure. Valerie’s tired. You’ll have to let her sleep.’ She looked across to Len. ‘She needs a proper rest so she can gain enough energy to get up on that hip. I’ll see if we can move her into a single room. I know you’ve come quite a distance but I suggest you both go home and then come back later this evening for visiting time.’

On the way home, Len received texts from his sons who were travelling to Somerset from their respective homes in London and Manchester to see their Mum with the grandkids in tow. On the way back to Eversley, they decided it was better for Holly to get some rest.

It was approaching twelve o’clock when Holly arrived back at the caravan. Joe greeted her as she got out.

‘How is she, love?’ he said with a grave expression.

‘Tired. I probably won’t be able to see her now for a day or so because the boys are coming over and she won’t want to be crowded. I sent her your love.’

Holly remembered the text she had received from Mitch. As soon as she pictured him, she felt a warmth. It would be good to clear the air. Val’s accident had made her realise, she needed to focus on the present day rather than the past. She texted Mitch back.

Val is still in hospital. But I’m free tomorrow, as her boys are visiting. Although I’d like to be back for evening visiting time.

A text pinged back almost immediately.

Pick you up at 7:00 a.m.

Holly noticed the sudden flutter of excitement which appeared in her stomach. She told herself that she was only going along to smooth things over. They had business to do. But deep down she knew she longed to spend time with him – alone.
