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Chapter 27

Dawn broke over Eversley with a crisp blue sky on the first official day of summer. Hearing Mitch’s truck drive up, Holly stepped outside. She wore a pair of jeans and a yellow top with a white hoodie wrapped around her waist. On her back she carried a ruck sack with a pack-a-mac – in case the weather turned, plus a vest and shorts in case the day got hotter. Good old British weather, she could never tell how it would turn out.

Mitch jumped down from his pick-up and opened the door for Holly where an excited Trixy yapped. ‘Your carriage awaits.’

Holly laughed, feeling instantly relaxed, as if nothing negative had happened between them.

‘How’s Val?’

‘Len says she’s doing fine and the nurse got her up for a walk on her new hip yesterday evening. Although she had to use a frame, which she hated.’ Holly clipped on her seatbelt. ‘Val’s so independent. She hates being in there, but they have to keep her hooked up to the monitors, for observation.’

Mitch put the pick-up into gear and drove out of the carpark. ‘I’m pleased she’s making progress. It’s best to enjoy life while you can, eh? We all get old.’ Mitch drove out onto the main village road.

Holly nodded. ‘And die.’

‘Listen to us being positive.’

Holly laughed and so did Mitch. She watched his eyes crease up at the edges and he flopped his dark hair back then turned on the radio, flicking channels until he found some lively music. He was, Holly thought, the best-looking guy on the planet.

Holly dragged her eyes away. ‘I’ll be over to The Laurels for a few days when Val’s out. Len will need help to support her, and if I know Val, she’ll never let the carers in.’

Trixy settled on Holly’s lap as she stroked her head. ‘So, where are we going again?’

‘I’ve a fishmonger I wanted to see – about the farmers’ market. Then I thought if we have time, we could swing into Croyde Bay where I have a sheep farmer contact. It’s for wool not meat. She sells goods made by locals. A nice addition to the market, I thought.’

‘Yes, that would be great as it crosses over to the arts hub theme. I haven’t been to Croyde for years. I used to go there for holidays with Mum and Dad.’

‘We spent a lot of time there too. We could take Trixy for a walk along the cliffs.’

‘And jump off.’

Mitch laughed. ‘It’s not that bad is it?’

‘Things have been better.’

‘True, but we’ve got lots to feel great about.’ He smiled at her.

Holly sat back, watching the passing countryside. Glancing across at Mitch, she grinned as he whistled out of tune, to a song on the radio. She needed to take a leaf out of his book and stop taking herself so seriously. Sitting up, she decided to have a positive day.

Holly stretchedher arms and Trixy sat up, as Mitch drove into the small carpark in Ilfracombe. After paying the parking fee, they walked down the hill towards the main stretch beside the sea and cliffs.

‘I won’t be that long,’ Mitch said. ‘Less than an hour unless you want to come with me? Although it might be awkward with Trixy.’

Trixy leapt up at Mitch, barking.

Holly clipped the lead onto Trixy’s collar. ‘It would have been nice to introduce myself, but maybe I should take her for a walk.’

‘Okay I’ll meet you in half an hour or so, at The Rocks café.’ Mitch pointed towards the front. ‘It has seating outside.’

There was a strong breeze blowing into the harbour, so Holly pulled on her hoodie. Boats bobbed up and down with their flags billowing in the wind. The sound of clanging sails accompanied the cries of chattering seagulls. It felt good to get away from the nursery and all her difficulties. The threat of the court case with Tom was forever there, even if Jill was convinced that it would never come to that.I must phone her,she thought. Holly had been reducing the number of times she called Jill for an update, knowing she had her head in the sand, ignoring it in the hope that it would all go away. Part of her wished she could fast forward her life and get to the bit when the divorce was settled.

Holly took in a deep breath, tasting the salty coastal air on her tongue. Trixy pulled at the lead. It was quiet with few people around, so she unclipped it and crouched down, wagging her finger at the little dog. ‘You’ll have to walk at heel.’

Holly stood up, and was pleased that Trixy obeyed her as they passed the end of the harbour. Holly wondered how her application to the Council for support with the Arts Council application was progressing. David Bunning had been quiet on that front. Holly assumed the funding application was not going to be supported by him, guessing that Grace had told ‘Daddy’ all about Holly being Tom’s crazy ex-wife who shouts in public. She hoped the other councillors would help. She knew the Arts Council process would be trickier without their backing. She pushed it all out of her mind –I just want one day where I don’t have to think about any of this,Holly thought.She wanted to blow away the cobwebs of hassle which clogged up her mind. All that mattered at that moment was Val getting back on her feet, and for Holly to enjoy the here and now.

The half hour was soon up and Holly walked towards the café to find Mitch already sitting outside with his long legs stretched out in front of him. He wore sunglasses and was so still, Holly wondered whether he was asleep.

Trixy barked and Mitch raised his head towards Holly as she approached. ‘I’ve ordered you a cappuccino and a pain au chocolate.’
