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Chapter 28

After the short walk into Croyde village, Holly sat at a table in the pub garden while Mitch went to the bar.

Mitch returned with their drinks. ‘How do you get the inspiration for your art?’ he asked.

‘It’s only my interpretation of events, of nature, of experiences.’ Holly picked up the cool wine glass from the table, running her hand over the condensation forming on the outside. Lifting the glass to her lips, she took a sip before placing the glass back on the table. ‘In fact, I’ve seen quite a lot today that inspires me.’

‘Me too,’ Mitch laughed.

Holly grinned at him and picked up a menu. ‘I think we should order food, don’t you?’

Mitch nodded. ‘I’m starving.’

After a minute Holly looked up from the menu. ‘What are you having?’

‘When in Rome. I’m having beer-battered cod and chips.’

‘Good choice. I’ll have the same.’

Mitch ordered the food at the bar and returned. Sitting for a while in silence, they watched a small skiffle band, consisting of a guitarist, drummer, fiddlers and a vocalist,

After they’d eaten, Holly smiled as she watched Mitch tap his foot, slightly off-beat to the fast-paced folk music.

Mitch turned to Holly, when the performers broke off. ‘I thought we could get a bottle of red from the bar to take back and watch the sun set?’

‘Sounds good.’ Holly said.

Fifteen minutes later, Mitch reached out for her hand, a bottle of wine in the other. As they walked out of the pub, Holly felt as if they’d been dating all along, in some parallel existence.

As they neared the lodge, Holly’s heartbeat quickened. Mitch said he would see if he could find a bottle opener, glasses and some cheese from Rita. Holly approached the garden table, situated in front of the lodge. She arranged two chairs facing out to sea so they could watch the sun set. There were still a few surfers on the waves and distant voices drifted from the lane. Mitch appeared behind her and placed a plate of cheese and crackers on the table and reached for the bottle. He opened it and filled their glasses. They watched the orange sun turn pink as it lowered towards the horizon. Holly felt the fiery tension between them and wondered if maybe he would be a gentleman and sleep on the couch.I hope not, she thought.

Mitch picked up a cracker and placed a small piece of cheese on it, before passing it to her.

‘Mmm,’ she said, nodding as the tangy cheese met her taste buds.

Mitch leaned back and smiled at her. ‘I feel different today. A totally different person. You seem different too.’

‘You know what? I think I am a different person. I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting of late. I’ve not been myself.’ She rubbed her hand on her leg then turned to face him. ‘I don’t think you’ve been getting to know the real me.’

Mitch outstretched his hand. ‘I like the Eversley Holly and the Croyde Holly. But I’ve realised that life is much better when we’re both on the same side.’

Holly placed her hand in his and moved ever so slightly forward, he pulled her towards him until she was sitting on his lap.

Her hands went to his face, slightly rough with stubble and moved forward, finding his lips with hers. Her body felt alive and on fire. Slipping her hand under his shirt, she stroked his chest.

‘Shall we go inside?’ he asked.

She stood up and smoothed her hair with her hand.

‘Are you sure?’ His voice seemed lower than usual, his eyes searching.

She saw a flash of something.Guilt? Vulnerability?She realised she was likely to be his first since Vanessa. ‘As long as you are.’

Mitch stood up and held her close, breathing into her ear. ‘One hundred percent.’

They pulled apart and exchanged a smile as they walked together towards the lodge. Once inside, Mitch closed the glass doors behind them.

Mitch moved a tendril of hair from Holly’s face. ‘You’re beautiful, Holly Loveland.’ He smiled then kissed her urgently. Holly’s mind flashed back to her very first kiss with Mitch when they were teenagers. It had held the same excitement. She had never wanted someone this much. Not felt such an ache, deep inside and could feel that he wanted her, just as much.
