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Chapter Six


“You kissed?” Noah asks, his eyes going wide. “How was it?”

I summoned Noah and Theo to the dining room ten minutes ago, telling them we had something important to discuss while Maggie rested upstairs.

“It was—” I pause, looking for the right words. “Unbelievable.”

“Unbelievable, good, or unbelievable, bad?” Theo asks.

“Unbelievable, fucking amazing,” I answer.

Theo’s eyes widen. “Jesus!’

He knows I’ve never spoken about a woman like this before.

“Just a kiss? No copping a feel?” Noah asks.

“’Copping a feel?’” Theo repeats in disgust. “No wonder you’ve never been laid if you ask shit like that.”

“I didn’t want to take it any further until I’d spoken to you both,” I admit.

Theo shakes his head. “We talked about this, bro. Just because we’ve shared women in the past doesn’t mean we have to share every woman.”

“I know, but it’s different with Maggie, isn’t it?” I ask, looking between him and Noah. “We all want her.”

The two of them have been talking about Maggie non-stop since she turned up on our doorstep. About how beautiful she is, how sweet and talented. It’s obvious Theo’s already halfway in love with her, and Noah’s not far behind.

I can’t lie. Having her here has completely fucked with my head. My dick has been in a semi-erect state since I clapped eyes on her. She does something to me that I can’t seem to control. There’s nothing obvious or flirty about her. I don’t think she has any idea how effortlessly attractive she is. It’s just…her. Her smile, her laugh. The way she tilts her head and bites her lip when she’s giving something her full attention. Fuck me, just the sound of her voice is like a ballad to my heart.

I’ve tried to ignore the feelings she stirs in me because they’re too damned scary. She could so easily become my weakness. I’ve spent the last fifteen years trying to become a stronger version of myself. I don’t want to be vulnerable again.

But Maggie’s been here less than twenty-four hours, and she’s already unraveling me. Just reading her lyrics this morning told me that she understands pain in a way that most people her age usually don’t. And then, listening to her play the piano, I knew I had to kiss her. She’s released a symphony of emotions inside me. I need her touch, her taste. I need to hear her say she’s mine. No, not mine. Ours.

I want Theo and Noah to watch as I fuck her. I want them touching and caressing her as well, sharing the pleasure and cherishing her in the way she deserves.

God, Fate, or whoever the fuck runs this spinning rock we’re glued to must be laughing their ass off at me right now. I’m completely tied to a woman I hardly know. And yet, I do know her, on some level that’s not just physical. She gets me. I could see it in her eyes as I sang for her. She’s known sorrow, just like the rest of us.

“Is that the only reason you didn’t do more than kiss her? Because you were worried what we’d think?” Noah asks astutely.

I shake my head. “Maggie’s a virgin.”

Theo just stares at me.

Noah’s mouth drops open. “No way. She’s, like, twenty-one!”

“Maybe she’s been waiting, too. You’re twenty-four,” I point out. “She admitted that she’s attracted to all three of us.”

“Holy shit!” Theo blurts.

“It’s like she has some magic to her,” Noah says.

“You should hear her play piano. She’s a natural. You can’t learn that kind of ability, you’re just born with it,” I murmur.

“You think she’s telling the truth? About writing ‘Better Than Me?’” Noah asks.

I sigh, pushing a hand through my hair. “Yeah, I do.”
