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Chapter Eight


After we’ve stuffed our faces with tacos, we each grab another beer and settle down in the living room to watch a movie on Netflix. As our guest, we let Maggie choose. I’m pretty sure she’ll go for a chick flick, but she surprises us when she opts for a horror movie.

“Ah, crap, is this the one with the freaky girl and the cursed videotape?” I ask.

“Yep,” Maggie replies smugly.

“Well, I hope you’re gonna protect me if she comes looking for me in the middle of the night,” I say, giving her a cheeky wink as I settle down next to her on the sofa.

“She, who?” Noah asks, settling down on the other side of Maggie while Tanner takes the chair.

“The cursed girl with the long greasy hair,” I reply.

Maggie pats my knee. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you from psycho stalkers.”

I quirk an eyebrow at her. “For all I know, you could be a psycho stalker, out to ravish me in my sleep.”

“Nah,” she says, shaking her head. “I gave up stalking a few years ago when I discovered competitive duck-herding.”

We all snort with laughter.

“Competitive what?” Noah asks.

“Duck-herding. Same as sheep-herding but with ducks,” she says matter-of-factly. “It’s a popular team-building activity with companies these days. Mike, husband number three I told you about earlier, took me on one organized by his company. It was one of the funniest days ever.”

“Sounds like we’re missing out. What the fuck are we doing in a band when we could be duck-herding?” Tanner chuckles.

“Don’t you dare stop,” Maggie says, shaking her head. “You guys have talent dripping from your fingertips.”

“You’re pretty talented yourself,” Tanner observes. He pauses, glancing between Noah and me. “The guys and I have discussed it, and even if this thing doesn’t work out with the lawyer, we’d still like to work with you, use some of the songs you’ve written, if you’re up for that. All above board, of course.”

Maggie’s mouth drops open. “You’re kidding?”

Noah shakes his head “Nope. I’ve already started laying down an arrangement for ‘Did You Know?’”

“From my notebook?” she squeaks, her blue eyes almost popping out of her head.

“Yep. You’ve inspired me,” Noah confirms.

“Holy shit!” she explodes.

She bounces up and down on the sofa in excitement before throwing her arms around each of us in turn.

“It’ll be a trial period at first, just to make sure we’re all happy,” Tanner points out, ever the practically-minded one.

“Of course,” she says breathlessly, sitting down between Noah and me again. “Thank you so much! I never dreamed—I mean, shit, who would’ve thought—" She trails off, too excited to put her thoughts into words.

I reach out to tweak a lock of her blonde hair with a grin, warmth trickling through my chest at seeing her so happy. I like it when Maggie laughs. Even her laughter is musical. She makes me feel light-hearted and carefree. My upbringing forced me to grow up a lot quicker than most. I didn’t have the carefree childhood that kids deserve, but Maggie exudes an innocent positivity that I’m beginning to crave.

We watch the film, and somehow Maggie ends up snuggled into my shoulder with her legs on Noah’s lap. I find myself idly smoothing my fingers through her hair and smile as I see Noah rubbing her feet. Tanner’s gaze keeps straying to her throughout the movie, his eyes drawn to her like magnets. By the time the movie is finished, she’s snoring softly, out for the count.

“Come on, sleepyhead,” I murmur, sliding my hands underneath her.

She curls into me like a little kitten as I carry her upstairs and place her on her bed. I pause, sitting on the edge as I look down at her, with blonde hair splayed around her flushed face and her dress bunched up around her juicy thighs. I want to run my hand up her smooth skin beneath that dress, see if she’s warm and soft there, too.

Her eyes flicker open, and she stares at me sleepily. “Theo?”
