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Chapter Five


There’s something wrong with me.

How can I be attracted to three men at the same time? Three totally hot men in different ways. Is it bad that I’ve been picturing what it would be like to kiss all three of them?

Noah, with his dark hair and melting brown eyes. His Spanish accent is sexy and sweet, like him.

Theo. Also dark, but his hair is longer, brushing his collar. Striking hazel eyes that seemed to really see me from the moment our eyes met.

And then there’s Tanner. Blond hair and sea-blue eyes I want to swim in. He’s harder to read than the other guys. His hurt goes deep, but I feel connected to him in a way I don’t quite understand yet.

I still don’t know what I was thinking, coming here. I had no plan, no idea what I was going to say if I even managed to get anywhere near them. Yet, here I am, in their condo, eating the breakfast they’ve cooked for me. It’s surreal.

I don’t know why, but they didn’t kick me out. They listened to me, even agreed to check things out with their lawyer. I meant what I said about the money—I just need enough to get me on my feet, start fresh. The amount Tanner showed me on his phone won’t just get me on my feet, it will buy me a house and a new car, with money left to spare. All I’ve ever wanted is a real home of my own, a foundation on which to build a new life. But I also want to share it with someone; fill it with Theo’s laughter, Noah’s kindness, and Tanner’s strength.

I give myself a mental shake. That’s more like three someone’s. Turns out, I’m a greedy girl.

“How about I show you the music room?” Tanner asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

My eyes widen. “You have a music room?”

He nods. “Sure. We need it to practice. Soundproofed, and everything.”

I take the hand he extends, and he leads me from the kitchen through the hall and into a large room. A drumkit stands in one corner and a piano in the other. A large sofa sits off to one side, and giant beanbags are scattered around, giving the room a relaxed vibe.

Tanner indicates I should sit on the sofa before taking a seat at the piano. His long fingers fly over the keys as he begins to sing the opening verse from ‘Better Than Me’ as a ballad. It’s a slow, haunting piece full of lost love and broken dreams.

I watch and listen, held in place by the melody as he moves flawlessly into another one of their songs. I stand and walk towards the piano, drawn there by some invisible force. His voice is like warm honey, soulful with just an edge of grit that makes it so good for country and western. Goosebumps erupt across my arms, tightening my nipples and sparking a throb between my legs.

As the last chords fade, Tanner slowly comes back to himself, taking a breath. He looks up at me and smiles, his blue eyes twinkling, and oh, my God, suddenly it’s hard to breathe.

“Where did you learn to play like that?” I ask in wonder.

“The priest at the local church took pity on me. He ran music therapy sessions in the back hall and taught me how to play. Then later, when I met Theo and Noah, he let us practice there. If it weren’t for him, Triple Threat wouldn’t exist.”

“That’s amazing. Are you still in touch with him?”

Tanner shakes his head. “He died last year. Cancer.”

I close my eyes, feeling his pain. “I’m so sorry.”

He shrugs. “Death is the only certainty in life.”

His words are laden with resignation. Like me, he’s mature beyond his years. He carries a deep pain, and I suddenly find myself wanting to stroke his hair and tell him everything is going to be okay.

“Wanna try?” he asks, tilting his head at the piano.

My fingers itch. “Can I?”

“Sure,” he nods.

I sit next to him on the stool. “I only ever had access to the piano in the music room at high school, so I’m a little rusty.”

“It’s all good. Take your time,” he encourages.

The first few notes are tentative, but then muscle memory kicks in, and my movements become more confident until I’m swept up in the melody I wrote for ‘Better Than Me.’ It’s slightly edgier than Noah’s composition with a faster tempo. When I’m done, I turn to face Tanner, who has a stunned look on his face.
