Page 18 of Carnival Pleasures

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Two Years Later


I’m in awe of my amazing wife and the beautiful baby she’s just brought into the world. Exactly two years after we were married—and possibly the best anniversary present ever—my baby gazes up at me, big blue eyes just like Maddie’s but on the plumper side, like myself when I was a baby.

There’s a knock at the door, and I look across to see Mum and Dad entering the room with balloons and flowers and the biggest smiles I’ve ever seen on their faces.

“Mum. Dad…” I pause as I lift the precious bundle from the crib.

Maddie is still in bed but manages to sit up with only a tiny grimace betraying her discomfort following a difficult labour.

I hand the baby to my Mum. “Meet Kaitlyn Maddison Rose.”

Mum’s smile grows wider, her eyes filling with happy tears as Dad moves the blanket from Kaitlyn’s face to get a better look.

“Oh, she’s just perfect, Jacob,” Mum croons.

Dad reaches over and pats Maddie on the leg. “Well done, sweetheart. I’m so happy for you both.”

Maddie gives him a tired smile. Since we’ve been married, she’s been well and truly taken into the family fold, which took her off guard at first, but now she seems settled and content.

And I’m the happiest man on the planet. How can I not be when I have my very own sun and moon to keep me aligned to all the good things in life?

“Oh, Maddie, she looks so much like you. She’s beautiful and perfect. You’ve done an amazing job, darling,” Mum gushes, her face alight with adoration as she stares down at baby Kait.

“Uh, hello? I played a part in this, too,” I say in mock hurt.

Mum waves me away with a roll of her eyes.“We’re proud of you, too, Son. Really, we are. But when you grow a tiny human and bring it into the world, I’ll give you all the attention.”

I shake my head and laugh. Mum has got her zest for life back after the heart attack. Maddie said she’s fortunate, as people often fall into a depression following that kind of trauma, but it seems as though it lifted Mum clean out of hers. She was so glad when we announced we were together and when we got engaged. Then married, and then expecting.

Maddie’s nightmares have eased, and they’re not as frequent. Therapy continues to help but knowing that I love her more than anything else in the world has been the biggest healer.

After a lengthy cuddle, Mum finally hands Kaitlyn back to Maddie for a feed, promising to be back tomorrow with anything we need.

I settle in the chair next to Maddie’s hospital bed, watching as she feeds our daughter. There’s an abundance of love in this room, the kind that grows stronger with each passing day. I fell in love with my best friend, my soul mate, and damn if I wasn’t lucky enough to have her fall in love with me, too.

The future is bright…and our story has only just begun.
