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Teagan sighed. “Fine. I feel bad leaving her, though.”

“You helped abduct her,” Jesse pointed out. “She would probably rather be alone.”

I snorted, looking over at Ford.

The wolf hadn’t even let me close him in his own freakin’ bathroom; I definitely wasn’t alone.

“Technically she got in the car willingly,” Teagan pointed out, and I heard their footsteps on the floor as they crossed the room.

“Technically she tried to escape, but he sat on her and ate her phone,” Jesse countered.

“We’re leaving!” Tea yelled to me. “See you tomorrow, 7 AM!”

The door shut behind them, and I could no-longer hear their conversation.

Listening in on them talking normally though, not discussing murder or additional kidnappings or anything, made me feel slightly better. Werewolves were monsters, but they seemed kind of normal, too.

And Tea had been one of them for months, yet I hadn’t realized it.

I thought I would be saving her from Jesse by telling her what he was. If I’d known that I’d end up abducted by a werewolf, I…

Well, I wasn’t sure.

I glanced over at Ford again.

He was still just staring at me.

And while some part of me wished I’d never realized what Jesse was, and that I’d given up on my friendship with Tea when she went AWOL, not all of me did.

Now that I’d seen werewolves and knew they existed, I couldn’t honestly say that I wished I didn’t know.

Whether that was because I liked understanding the world, or because of something else, I wasn’t sure.

Crossing the room again, I sat back down on the edge of Ford’s bed and picked up his journal.

I was going to figure out how to read his chicken-scratch if it killed me.

I flipped to the first page and started at the top. Dropping the journal for a minute, I ducked into the office and opened the desk’s top drawer. There were a few sheets of paper in there, some with a few more chicken-scratch notes. I grabbed a sheet, and a pen, taking them back into the bedroom with me.

It wasn’t until I passed through the doorway that I realized how stupid I was.

Halting abruptly, I looked at Ford the wolf.

He was standing, now, and only a foot away since he’d followed me into the office and back across the hall.

“The laptop,” I said to him.

Why was I trying to read his journal? I could probably find as much as I wanted to know about him on his laptop, couldn’t I?

I tossed the pen and paper onto the bed and headed back into the office.

The massive, expensive-looking chair was heavy and difficult to move, even with the plastic mat beneath it. I rolled it out a few inches before slipping into the chair, and wedged myself between it and the desk. It was tight at first, but I managed to make enough space to sit.

My nose wrinkled as I tried to get comfortable in the gigantic thing. Comfort was impossible; it was as hard as a rock.

Giving up on that, I opened the laptop. The desk was much too high for me; my arms had to strain a bit. But considering how gigantic Ford was, I imagined he’d fit fairly well.

When I hit the power button, the screen lit up.

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