Page 103 of Reborn a Queen

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Kane shook his head at Carter. “You’re not listening. She wants more than knights, more than people who look out for her. She wants love and to feel longed for, something we weren’t giving her, but Jack and Blake were.” His tone low as though he was still thinking that through.

“Clay is only interested in her safety,” Carter said.

“I believe you’re wrong because Jack’s magic is greater than any of ours, including yours. His and Blake’s together are very strong. Why do you think I had such a hang up about them?” Kane replied.

“I thought you were just jealous,” Carter said.

Kane laughed out loud. “Oh, believe me, I am. I’m not afraid to admit it. She was right that day. They never argue, they are mature, everything between them is easy. Whereas we are bickering constantly, backstabbing. Anyway, you get where I’m going.”

“I think you are saying we come together on this, or we lead her straight to Jack and Blake," Carter said.

Kane nodded. “More than that. Clay will expect it,"

“But we were letting her choose for herself,” Carter interrupted.

“Really, Carter? Did you ask her to only be with you?” Kane stared at Carter. Carter didn’t answer.

“Look I did, I admit it,” I said. “I think for different reasons than Carter.”

“What the fuck do you mean by that?” Carter yelled.

“I mean, I wasn’t doing it for her to bind to me first,” I said.

“Then why were you?” Carter said.

“Because I love her,” I replied. I was sure I could say that out loud with feeling the rage of the Gods.

“Me too,” Kane said.

Carter whipped to Kane. “You do? When did that happen? We haven’t seen her for nearly two weeks and before that you hated each other.”

Kane’s words were like a jagged knife to my heart because I now knew his memories were no longer suppressed. He wasn’t showing it, but he remembered. I narrowed my eyes at him as I tried to work it out. Because I just didn’t know why his memories had suddenly returned.

“Why were the two of you together that day?” Carter said as he stared at Kane as I thought what this meant.

Kane glared back at Carter. “Mind your own fucking business. I said we come together on this and stop bickering and finding excuses to back stab or she’ll end up with Jack and Blake. What did you not understand?”

“You are forgetting who I am,” Carter hissed.

Kane’s lip curled up on one side. “It took me a while to get over that little snippet of information, but believe me, it doesn’t bother me anymore. You’re no stronger than any of us.” He twisted to me. “In fact, I’d say you are one of the weaker men in this group.”

He definitely knew.

A still limping Ryan came over faster than I thought he could. “Someone is hanging around outside. I think someone faster than me should look.”

“I’ll do it,” I said.

“Okay, I’ll come with you. You two get to Lacey,” Kane said.

We were finally acting like knights.

Chapter 39


Icouldn’tstopgazingat Lacey as she laid in the crook of my arm. My hand stroked soothing circles around her back while I watched her eyelashes flutter, waiting, desperate for her to wake up.

The hospital allowed her home the next day because she had no serious injuries. That was a minor miracle, but her shallow breathing still worried me and I kept glancing at the rise and fall of her chest. Then at her slightly parted lips, though the cut on her bottom lip already healed.
