Page 110 of For Your Love

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She took his hand in hers, grateful when he gently curved his fingers around hers. “No, you’re not,” Colleen said, smiling through tears, welcoming his humor.

“How are you feeling?” Molly asked.

“Sore. Tired.” He closed his eyes again.

Colleen gave him a soft kiss. “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too,” he said, squeezing her hand.

She smiled again, wiping a few tears away. She almost lost him forever.

Dr. Chan and a nurse entered the room. The nurse took Finn’s vitals, while Dr. Chan spoke to Finn. “Good morning, Mr. O’Connor. You’re a lucky man. Your lung collapsed from the gunshot wound. After we removed the bullet from your lung, we were concerned about pneumonia, but you’re healing well.

Colleen squeezed Finn’s hand, relief flooding through her. “That’s great news, doctor.”

“How long will he have to stay in the hospital?” Molly asked.

“If there’s no infection, he’ll probably leave in five to seven days. But it’s too soon to talk about discharge.”

“Mr. O’Connor needs more rest,” the nurse said.

“We’ll come back soon,” Molly said, leaning in to give Finn a kiss.

“See you later,” Colleen whispered into his ear.

“I love you,” he said, closing his eyes.



Finn woke up uncomfortable. He tried to shift his position, but he didn’t have the strength. Light from the hospital corridor flooded into his room. Endless announcements, paging different doctors over the intercom made it impossible to get back to sleep. He moved his arm, relieved he no longer had an I.V. attached and the endless beeping from machines had stopped.

As he laid there, he recalled all the events leading up to the shooting. His father was a hated man, but he never imagined anyone would try to kill him. His mom had told him earlier that his father was unharmed. It was Finn’s body that shielded his father from being killed. As much as he detested his father, he was relieved more people weren’t injured. The irony that Finn was the one who saved his father’s life didn’t escape him, buthe couldn’t deal with the avalanche of feelings right now.

Colleen’s scream was the last thing he heard after being shot. It played on a continuous loop in his head, and it tormented him. What if there was a next time? What if Colleen was the one hurt? She’d gone through so much as a child, he would do anything to keep her safe.

He recalled the tales of medieval knights Colleen’s father had shared with him. In every story, the knight performed an act of selfless bravery, even if it was impossible. Following the right path was difficult, but sometimes it was the only way.

The day Jimmy had given him theIrishmythology book, he explained the story behind Clíodhna. Jimmy had told him that even though he chose the name at her birth, he’d been impressed by Colleen’s strength and determination as she grew up. She had become the queen he’d named her for. He’d been so proud that she was starting her Ph.D. and he wanted her to be successful and loved by someone worthy. Jimmy had given him a warm smile and a huge hug. Finn was thrilled because he understood that he had her father’s approval to date his daughter.

“Give yourselves time to grow up more,” Jimmy had told him. “You should both date other people, but if it’s meant to be, you and Colleen will find each other.”

He squeezed his eyes shut tight. After ten years, they had finally found each other.

He struggled to sit up. His mom was sleeping in a chair at the foot of his bed, her head leaning against her shoulder. His heart clenched when he recalled how much his mom suffered not only from what his father had done, but from the press attention that followed. They scrutinized everything she wore, followed her around Manhattan while shouting out inappropriate questions, and dissected every smile and frown. It was a living hell.

And now, after the shooting, the press would be at it again. Only this time, it would be Colleen they would hunt down. The way the press behaved at the gala was only a taste of what was to come. There was no way he would put Colleen through that. Ignoring the heaviness in his chest, he knew what he had to do. He had no other choice.

“Hi, Mom,” he said in a rough voice.

His mom blinked her eyes open. “You’re awake,” she said, sitting up with a stretch. “I made Colleen go home. Do you want me to call her?” she asked, rummaging through her purse.

“No, let her get some rest.” He tried not to think of her sleeping in his bed, her body curved toward his side, and her hand tucked under the pillow. He was desperate to bolt out of bed and be with her. To hold her in his arms and kiss her one more time. But for her sake, he needed to shove those feelings down.

His mom came to sit beside him, pushing the hair off his forehead. “How are you feeling, honey?”

“We have to talk. It’s important.”
