Page 116 of For Your Love

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His mom rinsed off dishes and loaded the dishwasher. “Have you talked to your father yet?”

He put the salad dressing back into the fridge. “No.”

“Camille reached out to me.”

Finn glanced around the door, surprised by what his mom just said. Camille and his mom had never spoken before. “What did she want?” he asked, closing the refrigerator.

“She wanted me to know how upset your father has been. She said the fact that you took that bullet instead of him has changed him.” Her voice was monotone, as if she was merely repeating the message.

That was highly unlikely, but Finn was curious to know what his mother felt. “Do you believe he’s changed?”

She dried her hands and turned to him. “I believe people can change. But change like this doesn’t happen overnight. Only time will tell. If he asked for my forgiveness, I would forgive him. What’s important is how you feel about what happened and what you want to do about it.”

He was humbled by his mom’s willingness to forgive. After what she had endured, it was inspiring. But Finn had to find his own way. “I’m nowhere near ready to forgive him. He’s been leaving me voicemails, but I haven’t talked to him. He’s playing the ‘concerned father’ role, but what he really wants is O’Connor Tower back.”

“Would you consider doing that?”

“No way. I’ll never let him have it,” he snapped at her and immediately regretted it. “I’m sorry.” Finn rubbed his hand over his face. “I just have a lot on my mind these days. I’ll get over it.”

“Get over it?” she said, her voice raised. “Don’t you dare trivialize what happened to you. You could have been killed.”

“C’mon, Mom,” he said, looking away from her scrutiny. “I didn’t die. I’m still here.”

“I mean it, Finn,” she said, cutting him off, her eyes brimming with tears. “Do you realize how lucky you are? Don’t let a building come between you and your life. It’s not worth it.”

Finn was stunned into silence. His mom had never been so direct.

“Now it’s my turn to apologize,” she said with a sigh, wiping her eyes. “I’m sorry.” She gave him a big hug and whispered in his ear, “I’m in love and I’m happier than I’ve been in years. It’s time for you to be happy, too.”

He pulled away. His mom’s smile was radiant. She was happy and he could feel a weight lift off his shoulders. He didn’t have to worry about her anymore. A small ember of hope for his own happiness flared to life inside of him.


It was late on Sunday night. His mom had gone to bed hours ago. Finn stayed up thinking about what she had said to him about being happy. No one deserved it more than his mom, but now, a few hours later, the cold reality of what he’d done taunted him that he blew his chance.

He refocused his attention on the first page of a new mystery novel, but he couldn’t concentrate. All he could think about was Colleen and her family together in California. They would probably be gathered around the kitchen table, sharing stories and laughter.

He laid his head back against the couch and closed his eyes, trying to not think of how perfect Colleen’s body felt wrapped in his arms after making love. Regret twisted in his gut. He had to remind himself that this was the best decision. Eventually, the pain would lessen, but the desire would always remain.

A familiar soft whine made Finn open his eyes.

“You should be in bed. But since you’re up, come here,” Finn said, patting the couch cushion.

With a huff, Alfie laid down on the floor, staring at Finn.

“What’s gotten into you, lately?” Finn asked. “Never mind,” he said, picking up his book again.

Alfie let out a low growl.

“Hey, I miss her too.” He tossed the book aside and got to his feet. “Let’s go. You’ve got one last pit stop and then it’s lights out.”

Finn took Alfie outside. As Alfie did his business, Finn’s phone pinged with a text. Ryan again. He sent a photo with a text message:

Do the right thing.

It was a selfie Ryan must have taken of the Murphys at the kitchen table. He took a closer look at the photo. The kitchen furniture and appliances were old, but none of that mattered. The Murphys had endured adversities but instead of defeating them, it only made them stronger.

He expanded the photo and studied Colleen’s expression. She was smiling, but his chest tightened as he detected the sadness beneath her smile. She’d been brave about her past trauma and selfless to help her family. She’d offered her love and support to him and he pushed her away.
