Page 118 of For Your Love

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Colleen sat in stunned silence. Ryan was never this emotive. What had happened to change his mind?

“Wow,” Aidan said in surprise. “That’s an astonishingly sensitive insight.”

“Don’t get used to it.” Ryan pointed a finger at Aidan. “I’m not one of those guys who likes to share their feelings. It’s something I needed to get off my chest.” Ryan’s phone pinged with a text and he nodded with a smile when he read it.

“Oh, God. More texts from Melissa? She’s softened your tough-guy image,” Sean said, giving him a good-natured punch in the arm. “You’ve been attached to your phone all through dinner.”

Ryan had recently started dating a single mother he met on a domestic abuse call a few months earlier. A very different side of Colleen’s tough brother was emerging, and she was happy for him.

“Shut up, Sean,” Ryan said, shoving the phone in his pocket. “You’ve changed since meeting Ana, so don’t start judging me.”

“Hey,” Aidan said. “That’s how it’s supposed to be. Falling in love affects you. I say go for it. Be your silly, sentimental selves. I’ll just sit on the sidelines and enjoy the show.”

Colleen sputtered with laughter as Sean and Ryan high fived each other.

Sean and Aidan helped their mom clear the table and do the dishes. Colleen got to her feet to join them.

“Coll?” Ryan said in a quiet voice, taking her hand and pulling her back into her seat.


“I’m glad we’re all going to be with you tomorrow.” With a shake of his head, he added, “But I wanted to tell you that I’m not going to be in the courtroom when you give your statement.”

Colleen waited for him to continue, curious to learn why he didn’t want to be there.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t sit there and listen to what Pike did to you. I’d like to beat the shit out of him, but he’s not worth it. I hope he rots in prison.” Ryan blinked a few times and took in a sharp inhale. “And as far as Finn goes, I think everything will be okay.” He gave her a firm nod. “I just wanted to let you know that.”

“Um…okay. Thanks, Ryan.” Colleen was deeply touched by her typically stoic brother’s words. Maybe there was a glimmer of hope for her and Finn.

Despite the reason they were all here, Colleen had never been happier with her family. The only person missing was their father. She had no doubt that he would be with her in spirit. Tomorrow she would share her past with the court and move on to a new life.



After listening to a dozen women give heart-wrenching statements, Colleen wiped her eyes and tried to settle her nerves. She had expected this to be a difficult day. What she didn’t expect was how each woman’s statement filled the courtroom with momentum to empower the women to share their stories. During the breaks, she introduced herself to a few of them and they exchanged contact information. They might have entered the court as strangers, but they would always share a powerful bond as survivors.

The clerk called out her name. She took a deep breath and got to her feet.

Aidan handed her a small leather pouch. “They were Dad’s. He’s here with you.”

Colleen knew what the contents were before she opened the pouch. She slid out the familiar sterling silver and marbled-green jasper rosary beads her father had used all his life. These were more than just mere rosary beads. They helped her feel a connection withher father’s calm presence. Colleen was focused and resolved to speak her truth.

She squeezed her brother’s hand and looked into his kind eyes. “Thanks, Aidan.”

“I’m proud to be your brother,” Sean said, kissing her cheek.

Her mom gave Colleen a tight hug. “Don’t be afraid. We’re all here for you.”

Colleen approached the lectern set up in front of the judge. Dan Pike was seated to the left of the judge, so each speaker would be able to confront him face to face. He looked old and frail sitting there in a prison-issued orange jumpsuit. His thinning hair was more apparent under the fluorescent lights in the courtroom. This was a stark contrast to the drunk, laughing man at the funeral reception.

“Thank you, Judge Burdick, for allowing me to give my impact statement.” Colleen straightened her shoulders before beginning. “My name is Colleen Murphy—I’m sorry,” she said, rolling her thumb over the smooth surface of the beads. “My legal name is Clíodhna Murphy.”

“Excuse me,” the court reporter said, “could you spell your first name, please?”

Colleen spelled it out and Judge Burdick asked her to continue.

“My name is Clíodhna Murphy.” A rush of strength flowed through her body when she spoke her true name. “I am not a victim. I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. I am here today to not just tell my story but to honor every survivor of sexual abuse. Some survivors are resilient and will channel their experience to build successful lives. Some will draw upon their experiences to help others. Sadly, far too many will struggle their entire lives, trying to cope with what happened to them. I refuse to stay silent. I choose to use my voice to speak about what Dan Pike has done to me.”
