Page 119 of For Your Love

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“My parents raised me to be a good girl, and I was. They warned me to be careful of strangers.” She looked directly at Dan. “But my parents never realized sometimes the greatest danger was from people they trusted.”

Dan put his head in his hands. She wanted to walk over to him and tug his hands away from his face to force him to look at her as she spoke. He was a coward and she couldn’t feel anything for him but contempt.

“Your manipulation was meticulously planned. You started out by giving me compliments. You said I was pretty, you told me I was a good girl. Then you gave me small gifts, instructing me to hide them from my parents. Pats on the arm turned into brushing up against me, and then hugs, because we were good friends. You shared secrets with me. Nothing important, but you said they were secrets I couldn’t tell anyone else. You took advantage of my parents’ trust when you preyed upon their little girl.

“And when the time was right, you took something from me that can’t be replaced—my innocence. I was too young to understand what you did was wrong or how to stop it. And I kept it a secret because I felt ashamed. But no more. I will not carry this shame with me for the rest of my life—you will.”She pressed her lips together to try and keep her emotions in check. Much was taken from her, but there was so much more to look forward to.

“The court will decide your legal sentence. I—and my fellow survivors—can’t go back and reclaim what was taken from us, but at least we have the privilege of standing before you to speak our truth. I am whole,” she said, placing a hand over her heart. “I am blessed to be surrounded by people who love me. I have the rest of my life to live, while you will be in a jail cell, lonely and afraid. I sincerely hope you use that time wisely and pray for God’s forgiveness.”

With a nod, she pushed away from the podium and returned to her family and hugged her mom and brothers.

Judge Burdick had a few inspiring closing comments, thanked everyone for their statements, and adjourned the court.

“Let’s go,” Colleen said, gathering her things.

She caught Aidan and Sean sharing a smile and her mother’s nod to the back of the courtroom.

Her eyes passed over all the people in the crowded courtroom. She found a pair of intense blue eyes looking directly at her. Finn was here. And he was holding a small bouquet of yellow roses. She couldn’t believe it. “Oh my God,” she said, covering her mouth with her hand.

“What are you waiting for?” her mom said, giving Colleen a gentle shove.

She bolted to him. “Finn!” She pushed her way through people headed for the exit, never taking her eyes from his.

“You’re here,” she said, taking the bouquet and trying to hold back her tears. She wanted to throw herself into his arms, but she hesitated. She wasn’t sure if he was here as a friend, or something else.

He was just as handsome as ever, but a little thinner. His expression was cautious. “I slipped in just before they closed the doors. I wasn’t going to miss being here for you.”

“Are you okay?” she asked, placing her hand on his arm, and then taking it away. This was awkward. She wasn’t sure exactly what to do next.

“I’m fine,” he said, glancing around all the people bumping past them as they left the courtroom. Finn took her hand and guided her to the back of the room.

Her breath quickened with anticipation as he found a quiet corner.

He cradled her face and searched her eyes. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I was fucked up; body and mind. I thought I was doing the right thing letting you go, but I couldn’t do it. Doing the right thing is to be together, to support each other. If there are any problems with the press, we’ll figure it out together. I love you and there’s no way I’m going to live without you.”

She placed her hands over his, holding his gaze. “I love you, too.”

His eyes glistened with emotion and he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. He wrapped his arms around her, and she felt safe.

“You were magnificent; just as I knew you would be,” Finn whispered in her ear. “I’m so proud of you.”

His presence made giving her statement more meaningful. She would no longer feel ashamed, and she was grateful for his support. “I’m so glad you got here in time to hear it. Hey, how did you get here?”

“I flew. I had to change planes in Chicago, so technically, it took two flights.”

“Twoflights? I’m impressed,” she said grinning at him.

“Like I said.” He tucked a loose curl behind her ear. “I would have done anything to be here. And I survived it.”

“Come on.” She took him by the hand.

They met up with her family in the hallway. While they hugged each other, Colleen noticed one brother was missing.

“Where’s Ryan?” Colleen asked, scanning the hall. He said he wouldn’t be in the courtroom, but she’d expected to see him here.

“I have a surprise for you.” Finn guided her to the exit.

Colleen’s mom and brothers followed behind.
