Page 31 of For Your Love

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“Hey, Finn,” a waitress said, approaching their table. She was older with dark hair pulled into a severe ponytail.

“Hi, Gina. This is Colleen,” he said, inclining his head. “She’s Sean’s sister and she’s just moved to New York.”

“Welcome,” Gina greeted her. “I’ve known Sean and this guy for years,” she said, nodding to Finn. “I’m glad to meet you. What can I get you to drink?”

Colleen preferred wine, but she doubted this bar had a selection of wines by the glass. “I’ll have tequila on the rocks.” Tequila had been her preferred drink in college, but she hadn’t touched it in years.

“Tequila?” Finn asked in surprise.

“Okay, tequila on the rocks,” Gina said. “And a Guinness for you, Finn?”

“Yeah. Thanks.”

Gina gave Colleen a wink and headed to the bar.

Finn grinned, as if he was enjoying some kind of private joke.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing,” he said, trying to conceal his smile with a hand. “I never thought you were the tequila-drinking type. I see you as a cosmopolitan or lemon drop martini type of girl.”

Here we go, yet another princess reference. She raised her chin to him. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Finn.”

“I’m sure that’s true,” he said, taking his phone out, scrolling through messages, emails, or whatever he was doing to avoid talking to her. “Sean’s on his way. He’ll join us for dinner, but then he has to get back to the office.” He tossed his phone on the table.

“That’s good.” She couldn’t wait for her brother to get here. During the tour, the conversation had been easy, but now it was just the two of them and the tension had returned. Colleen took out her phone and read a text from Ryan:

I hope your move went okay. Let me know if you want me to come there and kick a certain someone’s ass.

Colleen smiled at her brother’s protectiveness.

“What’s made you smile?”

“A text from Ryan. He offered to kick your ass.” She put her phone back in her purse.

“I bet he did,” he said under his breath.

“Here we are,” Gina said, returning with their drinks. “Can I get you anything to eat?”

“Sean’s joining us soon. We’ll wait until he gets here.”

“Okay, I’ll check back later.”

Finn lifted his beer to Colleen. “Welcome to New York.”

Colleen raised her tequila. “What happened to the ‘princess’ part?”

“I’m sorry I said that.” He paused for a few seconds. “Sean told me about Brian and losing your job. This is a new beginning for you. I really do wish you the best of luck.” No snark, just sincerity. It was a glimpse of the Finn she used to know.

They clinked glasses. “Thanks,” Colleen said. “You know, I owe you an apology, too.”

Finn held the glass close to his mouth. “Apology for what?”

“I was rude to you the day of the funeral. That wasn’t fair. You had a right to be there and I’m glad you and your mom came.”

“I appreciate that,” Finn gave her a warm smile. “Here’s to new beginnings,” he said, with another clink of glasses.

Colleen took a tiny sip of tequila, followed by a coughing fit.
